I was working inside UE4 a few days ago, and when I hit Play, my screen went black and I reset my computer. Now, UE4 works just fine, no issues. Same with Maya. (I've honestly got no clue if these programs use the same processing source as Painter). Now, when I use Painter, it frequently consumes 70%-100% of my GPU (see below). It happens when I open a project, select a different texture set, rearrange on the stack, and sometimes when I'm just painting. SP will freeze for approximately 20-30 seconds, and my computer becomes unusable during this time. I've been experiencing this for approximately 5 days now.
SP was just crashing, but I modified the TDR value as per Allegorithmic's notes, now it no longer crashes, but freezes for the above mentioned time.
I've turned off Threaded Optimization for my graphics driver.
The projects I've tried working on have 2k maps, no opacity or anything. The issues began with a project with 2 texture sets, each with only a few textures added.
Oddly, some projects work just fine. I honestly can't figure out why some projects run smoothly and why others don't.
NVidia GTX770M, 16GB ram

For example when you use a blend node with only one input, it can cause problems in the calculation. (quoting some Allegorithmic Video, never experienced that myself)
It's most probably a driver issue:
Uninstall all NVidia Products manually
Restart PC
Start installer and choose manually only what you need to install
Restart PC
Also reinstalling the software could fix it, but first try the GPU drivers
I had another idea which could cause behaviour like this
Maybe your PC assigned the OnBoard Chip to process Substance Painter.
I had this problem once and I had the same issues you are describing.
I was able to fix it by assigning my gpu as the default processor for graphical programs in the Nvidia Control Panel.
can you show how your texture is set up?
@Neox It's really simple, really not sure why it's giving me this issue. I've even got opacity turned off;