Hi, people! I'm starting my new WIP. This time it's a paramilitary cyberpunk cyborg. I'm planning to make a real time game model. And, as always I'm glad to share something interesting from what I know and from I'll discover during the process.
Short about collectors. In the world where they exist there are corporations which deal with body tuning and body implants. Some of the clients can't pay the whole sum and have to take an installment of payment.The corporations don't want to bother with courts. It's faster and more effective to use small half-legal companies offering the service of getting back the implants from those who can't pay on time. Such companies use all types of paramilitary cyborgs they can get to make this job. People call the cyborgs Collectors.
That's a photobash I've made to see where I'm going. That's not the look I'm going to get, but the main idea

Currently I'm going a blockout and it'd be cool to hear what do you think, guys.

Here is a color variation to emphasize the value of the lines on the sculpt. I'm planning different materials for different layers of the cloth:
Hi! It took me some time, but I'm back with an update! I rethought the design and changed some elements. Honestly, I'm quite far away from the original idea. But I like the new one more, so it's fine to me. I don't have a particular concept, just a vision in my head how it should be. It based on an inspiration from a futuristic content such as Cyberpunk 2077 and Detroit and not quite futuristic content such as Terminator.
First, I change the silhouette. I made the silhouette in a solid black. That how it was:
and created few more variations how it may look like more…readable, interesting and cyberpunkish)). After the blocking shapes and mixing them between themselves I’ve got six more or less looked as I wanted:
From the six I’ve chosen two which I found worth to sketch some inner forms for a better visual understanding of the idea:
These two were already quite interesting and I just needed to decide with which one to work. I already started to have a visual picture in my head (thanks the inspiration sources), so I’ve chosen the right one. And after some time of blocking and concepting in ZBrush I’ve got the 3d concept with which I’m pretty happy:
I put more details in the upper part of the body as it's more important and I had to be sure I like it. What's about the lower part it's rough and may be changed or just better detailed. If someone wonders what's on his lower-legs, this is an outside body update, which allows to jump higher and run faster. It's not an implant, it wears on the top of a body, so it looks more massive compared to the other mechanical elements which replace the body parts partially or completely.
I hope you're like the work. I'll try to update it more often once I'm on the high-poly detailing stage.