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Portfolio critique and job search

polycounter lvl 3
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alinavd93 polycounter lvl 3
I have started to look for jobs and I have gotten heeps of No and some hopefull endeavors, but no real critique. I would love it if you could give me some real and harsh what is good what is bad and what is missing from my portfolio!!

Also if other people are in the same boat do share your experiences and portfolio if you need help like me :)


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Overall, looking at your portolio, I want evidence you have one full environment piece done, not just props.  Even if you're just aiming to do prop art only for the beginning of your career.

    The pieces you have are a good start.

  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Portfolio is looking good! Here's some ideas:

    Get rid of your home page. Your portfolio should drop me right into your art.
    When showing off your maps, overlay a UV snapshot/wireframe in order to show off your dope UV mapping skills.
    It'd be cool to see you make something else in Substance Designer other than flooring.
    As Brian mentioned, please make entire environments!
    On your props, show off the wireframe as well.

    Don't get discouraged, it's tough to get in. I've still yet to get in as well.
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    I agree with Brian.  You are on the right track, just need more.  I review candidates and conduct interviews at work sometimes, so hopefully these critiques can help make you more attractive to potential employers. Here are some things that stand out to me.

    1. The materials are nice, but not overly impressive.  The black design in the Dishonored tile seems too flat to me.  I would like to see some bevel to show where the tiles are, instead of it being a stencil.  I understand that is Dishonored's style, and u have nailed that.  But if it is going to be on it's own page of your portfolio, you should really push it!  Look on artstation find one of the best looking tile materials, and hit that level or beyond! 

    2.  Other materials - The white tile and wood are okay, but for a stronger portfolio, maybe take another crack at them, watch some more tutorials, really make them pop.  Saying it's one of your first textures doesn't instill a lot of confidence.

    3. Dishonored Desk scene - This is your strongest piece for sure.  For presentation's sake I would remove the 1st and 4th images.  The 1st image is not as strong, and you would be fine with just 2 and 3.  The 4th image with the orthographic views in unnecessary in my opinion.

    4. Asset Presentation - I think your images could be improved a bit, the lighting could be stronger.  Maybe check this out - https://gumroad.com/l/marmoset

    5. Overall Portfolio thoughts - Like Brian, I would like to see a more fleshed out environment/scene/vignette.  Something that tells a story.  Also a few more hero props like the typewriter, and maybe another material or two.  Lastly, I would remove the home page if you can.  This is just my preference, but I like portfolio sites to just go directly to the work.

    You are definitely on the right track, keep improving and you will get there!  Good luck! 

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