Hello everyone,
I'm pretty new to Substance Designer and I have been trying to figure out how to finish the marble texture I've been working on.
I can't seem to find a good tutorial in how to make my marble shiny, so far I'm not really 100% happy with the way it looks since marble is usually very polished and shiny.

Does anyone have any links they could share with me for good tutorials or could give me a hand with this?
It would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
Thank you so much for the reply.
I somewhat tried to give a try to what you told me:
Am i just crazy that i don't the difference? (I used the mask for the dents because i figured, dents wouldn't be polished)
The Histogram Range node is pretty cool, where you can set the controls in the node, and then control the range in Substance Painter or Unreal Engine. I'd honestly just use that instead of a levels node. Also, the roughness range isn't going to be very drastic for a marble texture. It'll look more like a dark grey map, with slight variation. Here, you've got quite an intense contrast.
Regarding your 'dents', is this marble inside of a building? There isn't much denting in marble, it would be a pretty flat surface. The roughness grunge map is more for scuff marks on the marble, or areas which haven't had a good polishing in a while.