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UE4 Modular Palace Dungeon A

polycounter lvl 7
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Forest_Cat polycounter lvl 7

A modular dungeon in which the greedy king hid his wealth. 


  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    The environment looks really good, Im not sure where this sort of ambient lighting is coming from in the environment, almost seems like the place has been lit with modern big lights and then all the torches put in as an extra touch.
  • Doxturtle
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    Doxturtle polycounter lvl 8
    Agree with Ged, I think it would look a lot cooler and realistic if it was a dimly lit environment, you'd have that nice contrast of dark blues and orange candles. 
  • Forest_Cat
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    Forest_Cat polycounter lvl 7
    @Ged @DoxturtleInitially I wanted to make the most realistic lighting and that's what I got:

    The result is quite interesting, but it's not exactly what I wanted to get. It's too dark and gloomy. Then I looked at the dungeons in the The Elder Scrolls and found this:

    It seems to me that these dungeons are not very realistic in terms of lighting. But it looks good as a game location. The light from the torches plays a role, while most of the room is illuminated differently. Something like that I tried to get in my work. The result was quite controversial. However, I do not have enough experience. In the next work will try to do something more similar to the screenshots of the The Elder Scrolls Online.
  • macoll
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    macoll polycounter lvl 14
    Your first mood lighting is too saturated but better imo.
    Did you use a post process volume for it ? And a custom LUT ?
    I will follow your  work ^^
  • Forest_Cat
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    Forest_Cat polycounter lvl 7
    @macollIn the post process settings I changed only two things: removed auto exposure and increased the quality of SSR. Everything else is standard.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    For the lighting, a clean environment lit by torches seems a bit unrealistic. Why not try some windows or some sort of skylight. 

    A angled hole in the ceiling illuminating the red pillar might look really cool and dramatic, like it's the perfect time of year for a ritual ceremony.

    For the torches, try setting the color temperature to 1700-1850 K, the red you are using looks off. And a LUT could really help with the mood. 
  • CptAlbatross
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    CptAlbatross polycounter lvl 4
    I like the the more moody lighting, but like what other have said it's too saturated and really kills the detail you put into you environment and assets. It may help to experiment with different colors of light. Probably help break up some area to keep them feeling too sterile like what was happening in your first set of screencaps.
  • Forest_Cat
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    Forest_Cat polycounter lvl 7
    @ZacD @CptAlbatrossThanks for the feedback! 
    In the next dungeon over which I am now working there will be holes in the ceiling for the beams of light. Just like at the very beginning of tes4 Oblivion. 

    About the color temperature and LUT will try different options until I get a result close enough to the references. 

    The original idea was to make a luxurious royal treasury where everything shines and sparkles. Because of not very good planning it turned out a bit wrong, but the essence remained the same.
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