I would love some qritiques on this modell I'm working on. I would love too hear if you guys think I'm on the right track. I'm thinking it will get some sculpt-work and then hand-painted textures and normal maps. What do you think? Head too small? Too boring?


The shield looks good, could use some more contrast and maybe some different hues but it's a really interesting start, keep going
This is just a quick paint-update.
I agree on the thoughts of the silhouette. I will try changing it around!
Or maybe this is an enemy that player will face by the dozens, and they'll usually be pretty small on the screen.
In either case, the silhouette he forms should tell the player what this character is all about. We artist will look very close and dissect all the details, but in the game player is mostly taking a quick read of the silhouette and only noticing stand-out details that inform them of how to fight the bad guy. If you take away the colors and lighting, right now it is unclear if your dude is muscular, or just kind of chunky. It is unclear if he is organic, or possibly a robot.
So I'd suggest looking a little closer at the general shapes and lines, and just tugging things around to see what looks more cool, or maybe suggest something about the character you want to communicate. In particular, joints where muscles are connecting may taper a little more, maybe the back can be a bit hunched so that ugly, beady little head is kind of peering down on a much smaller player. Maybe the iron manacles are oversized to suggest when he was shackled his great strength was taken acount of yet he was still so strong he broke free. Just let your imagination run wild and see what oyu come up with.
it's a different style of art, but look at this very interesting shape the ogre's from Dragons Dogma have. Lots of character. They have a body like an old farmer with the fat belly but sinewy arms. The wide gorilla stance with shortened legs informs you they are kind of ape-ish, and so right off the bat you form some expectations about how this enemy will move and attack.