Hey guys,
First post here, I'm a 3D student in his last year, doing everything I can to improve my portfolio in order to hopefully get a job

I'm specializing in 3D realistic environments/props and would like you guys' advice to improve, in any way, my portfolio. I have stylized and realistic projects and I feel I should let both of them because it shows I can do both even if my goal is to work in a company that does realism. One of them also shows I can work in a team and my experience on making a game. I understand it should be full of the best projects you've made and the peak of the quality you can make. I've put a lot of effort in every single one of them but I feel like some of them doesn't deserve its place among the others... Feel free to share me your critics and which project I should keep/ditch.
Thank you !
I think if you take everything you have learned so far and apply it to one or two full environment scenes, trying your best to go further than you have on anything so far, you'll have a stronger portfolio. Right now, your work looks like a student who is learning 3d, but not really refined, high quality work as of yet.
I'll leave specifics to enviro-guys, but I do think your materials and composition/lighting are not up to par when compared to the work you can find AAA artist posting on Artstation right now. Do you have to be the best to get a job? No, of course not, but you should definitely try to match the top people in your field quality wise.