i am in weightpaint mode,
and the red circle is the "Select Influence"-Bone, all other childrens (like elbow, wrist has no weightpaint at all)

now when i rotate the shoulder (so the arm goes upwards) ...

i get this

and i really have no clue why the arm deform like this, actually it shouldnt move at all not?
is it better to work/paint from direction
"head neck shoulder elbow hand finger"
or the other way round?
i started with the fingertips and worked my way up to the head, maybe that was the problem?
Your initial geodesic voxel bind should handle arms and legs and most of the torso pretty well. You may need to touch up the elbows and knees a bit for less volume loss, but you shouldn't have to do all of it manually.
pluralsight has just a few tutorials covering this but they are pretty good I thik.
But somehow i cant find any tutorial which includes chars AND clothing, this must a huge secret xD
The thing with clothing is keeping it from clipping with whats underneath. Easiest solution is to delete whatever is underneath, but if that's not an option, having the topology be as close as possible will help a lot, so that if the vertices have the same weight values they will deform the same, and not intersect.
In any case, if you're still getting to grips with the basics of the tools -- and it's hard, frustrating stuff -- I wouldn't even attempt something more complicated than you will find in tutorials until you've done most of them and have a pretty solid foundation to problem solve from. The rigging tools really require paying close attention to the details, working in order -- and it's not so easy to figure out what is going wrong if you don't already know exactly how they are designed to be used.