Edit: finished!
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/N5a2E5I wanted to do a hard surface prop for my portfolio so I chose the gorgon pistol from GoW because I think it is a cool design.
Here is this highpoly so far. It is almost done I just have to duplicate some things. I brought it into blender to see how it would handle the high polycount (~23 million faces right now) but it was modeled with a mix of zbrush, maya and blender.

The lowpoly will be a challenge for me because I have to choose which details should be only the normal map instead of modeled in.
C&C is always appreciated.
Thanks Kanni appreciate it. I redid the uv's since that last image because there were some islands that needed combining. But now I've been texturing. Its easiest to show in this gif so you can see the metal reacting to light.
Nice model, keep it up!
How'd you make that GIFV? It's so clean!