It's clearly very efficient for iterating, but once you've reached a final design you should probably do a manual retopo and unwrap, depending on your needs of course. For a ship like this you'd want more control, but for a rock or something, this would probably work for the final too.
I did some fairly extensive R&D into this at work a couple of years back and determined that it made a lot of sense in terms of getting your high res work visualised in engine early but its not going to get you acceptable quality game output - largely because of UVs.
This was all in the context of AAA development budgets/expectations so everything needed to be super efficient and super high quality. Different projects will naturally have different priorities .
But on hero assets more or less all LODs are made by hand.
This was all in the context of AAA development budgets/expectations so everything needed to be super efficient and super high quality. Different projects will naturally have different priorities .