Hi people!
I'm new in this forum and this is my first post.
I'm a 3D character student and try for the first time stylized model and texture.
I use the Boss art of the greater Kyle Cornelius for the Hob Game. (Ruined Games)
For the sphere i was ispired by the game.
I hope you can enjoy!
For more render look my artstation ------->
Your model looks so good! and its your first stylized character! congratulations!
Here you have some feedback i think can improve the model:
The antenna of the head looks too smooth, try to sharpen the geometry next time, i think you have the same problem at the gloves, if youre using 3DSMax maybe is problem of the Smoothing groups
The scale of the hands look smaller than the concept
i think you have a strange blue emmisive part inside the head affecting to the neck of the model
some scratches in gloves and helmet can look nice, if you watch the concept you can interpretate it on your model
i hope helps you!!