I would like some help with this character, please. So the main idea was for it to be something slightly stylized... that said, I tried to make it as realistic as possible and failed terribly. I would like it to be judged as an attempt of something more realistic. I used this project as a learning process and there are many things I noticed that I should have done differently, however, there are many things that I can see that are wrong, but I'm very confused about how to make better or where I went wrong.
For example: when I went to put the character together for rendering I was very surprised at how bad her face looks. Not that I modeled many details... But the ones that where there got completely washed away. For example, I can see proportion issues with her face... but there are many other factors that I don't understand that make it look bad as well. If anything, I want any feedback anyone has to offer but if I had to pick something I would really like to understand wth I did to her face.