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Mothergunship Art Dump

polycounter lvl 12
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chriszuko polycounter lvl 12

This video shows all of the shenanigans I was up to this year. Anything from modeling advanced kit sets to making low level engine mods to UE4 through C++ and HLSL code. Most everything in this video was touched by multiple hands during the stage of development but my responsibilities included making the level kits themselves, lighting each level and final cleanup, and in some cases actually making the levels themselves. Design would handle most of the other level responsibilities. 

I am able to show my workflow and process for whatever section that you may be interested in learning more about. In the past, I've not been able to show everything in more detail due to whatever legal restrictions. So please hit me up in here if you'd like to see more of a certain type of thing.
Constructive criticism is welcomed as well however it will most likely be met with a "Time, direction, and limitations made it look that way" XD. 

Designers work in this vid.
Lead Designer : Christian Beckhäuser
Junior Designer: PJ Cignarella
Junior Designer: Liam Higgins

Some Technical Highlights as well.
1. Vanishing platform system
2. Level Kit Builder System
3. Hologram Tech (Not explained but shown in Neon)
4. Reflection Probe Rotation based off actor (This was the one that required some fun vector math and engine mods)
5. Geyser Electrical FX
6. Light Color Palette.
7. Boolean models that are air tight for minimal lightmap sizes to keep overall on-disk memory to a minimum.

ANYHOW thanks for taking the time to read and watch if you made it this far :smile: 
P.S. Ill update this thread with screenshots and stuff as I get my folio's updated.


  • chriszuko
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    chriszuko polycounter lvl 12
    FInally got a chance to sit down and beauty shot some stuff. Here they are :smile:  I can make breakdowns for the kits if anyone is interested in what the pieces are and how they were modeled as well. :smile:

    Neon Level Set: Lighting, Kit Assets, Holograms, and Final Pass
    Foundry Level Set: Lighting, Kit Assets, and Final Pass
    Final Boss Level: The whole Shabang
    Mothergunship... Set: Lighting, Kit Assets, and Final Pass

    Doom Factory Set: Lighting, Assets, Electrical FX, and Final Pass

    HQ: Main Structural Assets, Mission Brief Panel, Lighting, Final Pass

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