Dear Polycount Team,
Here are some screenshots from an American Diner in UE4 I am working on. It would be great to get your feedback on the current state of the scene to get some external feedback after staring many hours on my monitor.
My next steps will be to add more details to the scene, especially on the walls as well as the bar, before I move forward to add decals and finilaizing the lighting and post processing.
Also, please find down below some of the references I am referring too and which I use as inspiration:
Looking forward to your feedback.
I think your textures are a little too clean. Almost like its just solid colors for the albedos. Not saying they should be crazy dirty, but try adding very subtle overlays to add color variations to your solid colors. I would also revisit the roughness on your textures to add more variation to it too.
I think your black textures on the tops of your tables eats up shadows, it's also looking a bit low res compared to the hamburger and beer. Might be worth trying to change the color, or tweak the albedo and roughness values.
Hope this helps!
I would start the lighting from scratch, I can barely see AO or shadows, as the other guys have mentioned. Start by adding some contrast, and maybe study diner scene from movies that have inspired you? The lighting in the Pulp Fiction diner sequence was always really cool to me. The door at the back of the diner looks pretty squished right now. Look how broad your human is in comparison.
The posters don't really look like they fit on the wall and feel very out of place without a little dirt or colour variation to break up the blue/white walls. It's really easy to go super clean, so just start pushing your swld to through some decals onto the scene. Something thats really throwing the scene off right now is the inconsistent texel density. Your texture on the table looks super low res compared to the props onto of it which look very high res and pretty. If this is for a portfolio piece, bump up the texture maps so you get a consistent density, else things might not feel like they fit together.
Cool scene man, keep it up!
The stack of cups might be overkill, maybe a little? I'm not quite sure lol. It's like around that point where it might fall off.
Overall, great job.