While doing an environment course I took the house parts I created and built a house based loosely on this one in Bernkastel-Kues.

Apart from making textures better from scratch I'm not sure how I would improve this or give it more life and personality.
Any criticism or pointers on what I should watch out for is warmly welcome, please DO tear this apart because it certainly could be a lot better I just don't know how yet.

I'll keep making buildings, more modular parts of them for a future project so I want to improve at this as much as possible.

Looks like a lot of the detail is in the textures, so yes, would work on those. Mess with brick/rock textures, and distort the trusses a bit. If the textures span across the modular set ofc you get that stuff across all the meshes for free. Materials need more definition here too.
Your comment threw a wrench in the work because now I can't stop looking at all the completely straight diagonal lines. I'll crack some corners into it and make it more wobbly. Thank you of course.
The surrounding would definitely help make it more lively. Though right now I'm busy with some other project, I'll give it an expansive update when I also figure out how to make something decent in Substance Painter.
This is just reiterating what others already said, but I think it's important to note why the building is wobbly so you don't end up with random noise and variation just for the sake of variation.