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Stylized Character [WIP]

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NinjaSocks keyframe
This Sculpt is based off of Anna Cattish's concept, Really enjoyed it, been looking at a lot of Luis Arzga Rico's work as well as Shane Olson and Michael Defeo.. they really inspire me to get better at stylized stuff and that's what i'm trying to do with projects such as this. Critique/tips are always welcome! 


  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    nice work so far, Im pretty sure the side view of the face shows some shapes that could be better based on that concept, for example the forehead goes out , the bridge of the nose goes way in and then the nose and mouth and jaw go out again like the forehead.

    I did a little gif because it was hard to describe in words I hope you dont mind, this is just a suggestion

  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    the Body looks really nice!
    but yeah, I agree with @Ged , the face is looking a bit off.

    Id take some time getting some screenshots of the face in the same angle as the concept and see where they miss-match. 

    Looking good though, keep it up! :)
  • NinjaSocks
    Offline / Send Message
    NinjaSocks keyframe
    @Ged @lotet Thanks you're both right, I'll make sure to revisit this before I move on to the next stage. This one was unexpectedly hard due to the proportions being so strange.. 
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