In continuing my journey to get reacquainted with creating 3D Assets and building my portfolio, I am going through the previous Monthly Environment Challenges. I chose the revolver from
Challenge #48. (I'm not sure if I'm supposed to add to the original thread or make my own. I thought I should make my own so I wouldn't confuse with the current Monthly Challenge.)
Here's what I have so far. The lowpoly made of 9334 tris. I'm not really that confident in how I laid out the edges so any input or any other critiques are welcome. My plan is to take it to Substance Painter and paint in the details. But I'm not sure if that's a good idea. For one, I still don't know how to generate an AO without a high poly model. I guess I'll figure it out as I go but if anybody has any ideas on how it's generated after I draw in the details, or suggestions for a better workflow, please let me know.
So yeah, any comments and critiques are welcome


The reference: