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Merging texture sets substance painter

polycounter lvl 3
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MoonManTV polycounter lvl 3

I have been working on a model which I UV mapped, then split up in several parts and exported multiple seperate objects as a single FBX to substance painter which helps me texture some parts more easily. But now I am at the stage where I would like to have all normal maps in 1 normal map and all base colors map in 1 base color map etc. During the UV process I have made sure that all parts do not have overlapping UV's once combinded together. I have seen many people having this issue but most of their posts are 1 to 3 years old. So does substance painter have a solution for this issue? Or more preferrably is there a 3rd party program that solves this issue? Thus far I have tried doing it in substance designer and Texture Set Combiner 1.0.4 without any positive results.


  • Taylor Brown
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    Taylor Brown ngon master
    As far as I can tell, no there isnt an easy way to do it other than the methods you mentioned. I guess you could also combine everything in Photoshop too
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Not possible until theres a fairly big change to how painter works. 

    There's a reply with more specific information from one of the guys at Allegorithmic in a previous thread  but the short answer is no, and you won't see it any time soon.

    I have used designer to process the output data in the past,  it's pretty straightforward and you can use batch tools to automate the process if you know what you're doing. 

    Generally though I'd suggest not working like that. 
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    It is possible to do in Painter.

    1. Export your current textures as document channels.

    2. Export a plane from any 3d app. Make a new Painter Project with this plane as the mesh. 

    3. Import the textures. 

    4. Set up layers for each of the textures, these can be projection paint layers or fill layers, however your prefer, and you just pop your old textures into place. 

    5. Export.

    Same thing you'd be doing in Photoshop, but if you are more familiar with Painter it's nice to stay in the same app. I made a shitty tutorial on how to do this awhile back, but I can't get audio to upload on youtube and haven't bothered with that so it's not very useful. 

    If you need step-by-step on the details just ask where and I'll show some screenshots or something. It's a pretty straightforward process and something I use pretty often. Especially in the case of something like making hair card textures, you may not know exactly how many you will need so it's nice to just make them individually to figure things out, then compile it all later.

  • MoonManTV
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    MoonManTV polycounter lvl 3
    It is possible to do in Painter.

    1. Export your current textures as document channels.

    2. Export a plane from any 3d app. Make a new Painter Project with this plane as the mesh. 

    3. Import the textures. 

    4. Set up layers for each of the textures, these can be projection paint layers or fill layers, however your prefer, and you just pop your old textures into place. 

    5. Export.

    Same thing you'd be doing in Photoshop, but if you are more familiar with Painter it's nice to stay in the same app. I made a shitty tutorial on how to do this awhile back, but I can't get audio to upload on youtube and haven't bothered with that so it's not very useful. 

    If you need step-by-step on the details just ask where and I'll show some screenshots or something. It's a pretty straightforward process and something I use pretty often. Especially in the case of something like making hair card textures, you may not know exactly how many you will need so it's nice to just make them individually to figure things out, then compile it all later.

    Hi I am really not that familiar with the program could you link me the video? Even without sound I might be able to follow the steps purely from visuals. I already followed this guy his instructions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMP2xpGHimY  But he seems to have a different version of substance designer than me.
  • MoonManTV
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    MoonManTV polycounter lvl 3
    Either way I think I will be doing it manually in photoshop and see what results I get from it thanks for the replies guys :) 
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Prepare for the shittiest tutorial you'll ever watch, haha. I am on low data right now so I had to record with poor resolution. I suggest playing at 2x speed as I type to explain what I'm doing.

    Oh, and one note. If you export your textures to be combined without the infinite padding, it may be easier to mask them off. 

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    MoonManTV said:
    Either way I think I will be doing it manually in photoshop and see what results I get from it thanks for the replies guys :) 
    If you do that with embedding and make sure your color settings don't break stuff (ie, set grayscale to sGray )  you'll have a fairly non- destructive setup. 

    The problem with compositing and reimporting (regardless of the method) is that you can't go back and tweak stuff very easily
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    poopipe said:
    The problem with compositing and reimporting (regardless of the method) is that you can't go back and tweak stuff very easily
    Good point. I'd save compositing stuff like this until the very end, because if you're like me you will think you are finished 50 times before you actually are. 
  • Grifon73
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    Grifon73 polycounter lvl 2
    I use GIMP, I save all layer with alphachannel in gimp I open all texture in a Layer and after I save it,

  • poopipe
    Offline / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Fwiw,  I managed to write a plugin that calls an automation toolkit script and will merge texture sets at the click of a button.
    I can't share it cos I did it at work but it's not a particularly difficult thing to do so I imagine someone will release something similar at some point 
  • hansolocambo
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    hansolocambo polycounter lvl 8
    You can open multiples images as layers in Photoshop.
    First export your textures from Substance Painter with transparency and a padding of 8, 16 pixels, etc depending on your texture's dimensions.
    Then using Bridge : Tools -> Photoshop -> Load Files into Photoshop Layers
    Or using Photoshop : File -> Scripts -> Load Files into Stack

    (Note that those options will load your png+transparency with a white background...)
  • RobertT
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