hello, sorry for my english , its not my native language so pls forgive me my mistakes)
For about some mounthes i have been working on my portfolio. I am gonna try myself in character and creature modelling. I have never been to gamedev or something else, just want to reach good level before trying something and another reason is that everywhere nobody wants to collaborate with juniors.. so my main q is WHAT exectly junior 3d character artist should do and what is the req level. And another q is what should i concetrate on my portfolio now? May be more clothes , may be more details, may be something else. I know that texturing is very important part but i want to be sure that my modelling skills are ok and then i can go learning texturing. So is it possible to find a work at start without super texturing skill? Thank you very much. Pls look through my portfolio:)
The primary big issue that stands out to me about your portfolio is that you just have a smattering of untextured character models, and the ones you do have painted don't exhibit any sense of material definition, realism, or sense of completion. It all looks half-done and incomplete. You can fix this by taking your time to finish a character piece.
Best piece is your Mount or Robot Policeman, but not by much because they're not textured and are incomplete looking.
Worst piece is your scifi weaponm, little dragon, unholy creature, and manticora.
Right now, make a game character that you or smarter people could honestly look at and say "that would fit in X game," because right now none of these assets look shippable. But you can get better.
Anyhow seems everythIng is not so terrible , have to work more
Im was checking your portfolio, and in my opinion, you have various nice WIP models
Other aspect i saw when i was checking your portfolio is the different quality of the pieces you have, in my opinion your new creatures looks so better than for example the Unholy creature or the Variation of Manticora so if you agroup the better models and discard the old pieces that can be great!
The last thing u can improve is the presentation of your 3D models. This is definetly a critical point, you can be a excellent model but if you publish the piece with a simple T pose or a poor presentation, the model lose all the quality for the rest of the people
I hope this advices will be usefull to you! Good luck with your art
Ye it seems to be i am blind that no one cares about poses and renders and just look on model) should take care on this. Those crap models were my first steps in zbrush , and were motivating me like "look how bad it was"
Thanks for advices , wish you good luck too)