I'm starting a new personal project that combines 2 of the things I love most in this world: monsters and fashion!
I really want to do a few of these models so I can do a scene with them as a cute monster girl gang, or a band or something like that eventually.
But for now, I'm starting with this grunge-ish, punk-ish werewolf girl:

I've been doing a lot of diffuse-only handpainted sort of stuff lately, so for this one I think I'll do more of a hybrid handpaint/stylized PBR sort of deal, so I can make use of subsurface scattering and normals, maybe some ramp shading. I want it to have an illustrated, expressive feel but not necessarily totally "flat shaded" or too cartoony.
Right now I'm working on the anatomy sculpt -- I've only just blocked out the fingers and toes (
I used these Insert Meshes by Joao Sousa), so they haven't really gotten any love yet.

She's going to be wearing heeled boots so I'm not super concerned about the feet.
I'd love some feedback on the anatomy at this stage, particularly on the arms, hands and neck/clavicle areas, since I tend to struggle in those areas.
Her stance feels a bit awkward at the moment as well, even for an A-pose. The arms seem way too long, too.
Here's another render with a different matcap:

Overall I feel like I could push the shapes and proportions a bit more, I may try enlarging some features (like the lower lip, hands and feet).
I wish I was more of an expert on anatomy but I'd be happy to suggest what I can, looking at the current base mesh:
- From the front view, I think her hands look alright. You could maybe work on the width of the wrist from the 3/4 or side angle to blend it into where the hand bones connects to the wrist.
- Her neck will look more natural if you bring the head forward just a little bit, and then position the neck at at something like an 80 degree angle (tilting forward).
- The definition of her clavicle might be showing up a little too strong in the sculpt, so you could dial back that hard edge. You'll also want to straighten it out so it doesn't deep so low, and bring it up a little closer to the neck. Have the bone carry over through the top of the chest (right now it's stopping a little before the arm pit).
- I don't think her arms look too long right now but it would be good to have an elbow put in there to keep track of everything.
Right now I'd go with your gut to try and push the proportions to see if you get any different shapes that you end up liking more. It'll be awesome to see how the character develops!
Most notably I reworked the hip and tummy area, balanced out the shapes in the arms more by enlarging the shapes at the shoulder and elbow joints, and spent a while on the hands -- though they could still use some more love.
I also started blocking out the hair, I really want the bangs to have a big presence in the silhouette (I'm talkin 90's anime presence). I'm going to end up doing a whole post on hair later, since I'm going to have to do some tests to get the kind of hair texture I'm going for looking good at game rez -- I might bake some sculpted curls onto alpha cards for the natural curls in her double buns, but I'm not sure yet. Either way her bangs will still be sculpted + retopo'd, not on cards.
Going to come back to this in a couple days with fresh eyes, then one more anatomy pass, then I'll alternate between working on clothes and hair. I'll most likely be making a post with all the clothing I'll be modeling and the real-world inspirations, and another for my hair tests.
collar bone too low, and should extend to where it meets top of shoulder. Collar bone should meet together at the base of the neck where you find that little dip where the neck muscles tie onto the bone. I think this area is important to get right and put a little extra detail into. Just personal opinion, that area being lean and defined has a lot of sex appeal.
bicep tie in looks off. If she isn't really muscular, we shouldn't see so much of a sharp line between shoulder muscle and bicep.
chest muscles tie in to shoulder looks off.
ears -- even for stylized, I think some kind of basic shape should be given to the inside.
When looking at my hands at least, I notice that my palms are a square shape and then my thumb branches off of it. The very tip of my thumb also tends to align with the beginning of the first joint on my pointer finger! I am also no anatomy expert, but I hope this helps :-). Be sure to post lots of progress pics!
I'm still trying to find a happy medium for the level of detail in this style. I don't want to have completely minimal "disney" style folds where there are almost no "wrinkles" in clothes (which are mostly super-simple, super-smooth ridges), but I want the result to look clean. But I also want the folds to clearly define the materials, even in the silhouette:
Looking at the silhouette, maybe I could exaggerate the collar a bit more, maybe the shoe size also? I'll break the symmetry more once I'm happy with my material definition.
I also took a bunch of your feedback into account for the anatomy, thanks for the helpful crit
Still need to crisp up the seams and render the wrinkles more in some areas (mostly around the ankle cuff on the pants, and on the leather jacket.
I made the shoes a bit larger and changed their placement in relation to the pants cuffs to show more ankle.
Once all the messier bits are addressed I'll move on the smaller accessories and details! Studs and designs on the jacket, metal fasteners for the belt chain, the shoelace bow, jewelry, stitching on the clothes, etc.
I based the shoes on my very favorite boots:
At this point I think all her clothing will be varying shades/textures of black, with plaid pants that add color, maybe like these:
Then I can use the colors in the plaid to accent different colors on the character.
I like the idea of her style playing off the "classic" werewolf plaid.
Hair is still a blockout, was just getting tired of looking at the two placeholder balls for the double buns. I'm thinking the current hair pieces are too big and thick, they should taper a bit more at the ends to give a softer/more natural appearance, its too messy as-is.
I've done a fair amount of noodling but I feel a bit stuck. Here is an updated turnaround.
Plus some closeups of the jacket and bra. I don't intend on showing the model without the jacket over, but I want to make sure the parts of the bra that do get seen at strong angles/closeups are at least "finished" looking.
Will definitely be adding something to the back of the jacket, and clasps to attack the chain to the belt loops.
I'm not happy with the pants details (seams, pockets, zipper cover), they feel very "stuck on" and unconvincing. But I am happy with some of the folds, I've redone the pants once already, and I'm dreading doing it again... but I think I might have to. Also, she has a cute butt and the pants aren't showing that off, which is truly shameful. 😂
I keep waffling on whether or not i should push the size/proportions of everything even more...
Any feedback at all would be appreciated, I'm a bit stuck but I really want to finish this ):