Hey guys,
I've been a lurker of this community for years,
But as a teacher i think its important to be active in this great 3d community.
So there you go i think the best way to show something is by an example.
So here's a knife i made to be used as a fps weapon, it has been inspired by the great knives in csgo.
You can see it
here on the marmoset viewer.
Let me know what you think.
Have a nice evening !
As Lether said the edge of the blade needs to be brighter. Right now it feels blunt.
Overall the whole thing feels old and yet weirdly new.
You might want to exaggerate the wear and tear around certain parts on the grip.
There are a few edges that you don't need.
The middle edge loop on top of the blade can be removed.
The inside part of the grip looks messy. The supporting edge in there is probably not needed.
Same goes for the inset with the round thing on the grip (don't know what it's called). The support loops can probably be removed.
The topology part might be wrong. I'm far from being an expert on that part.
Other than those few little complaints the knife looks excellent.
Keep up the good work.
If any of my advice is wrong please do tell. Learning from mistakes is important. Especially if the mistakes are your own.
Have a nice (insert your time of day).
Thanks for the feedback !