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Animating a Card Deck with WireParameters bend offset

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Hi,  I'm animating a Deck of cards for a client and trying to use WireParameters to bend the deck in a way in which, by the time the card reaches it's maximum bend the the other cards behind bend slightly more as they push each other back.

The problem I have as I'm not great with expression etc, is that if I set up the wire to a, let say Bend+5 of the next card the wired card has this bend already at frame 0.  But I want it only when it reached its maximum bend.

so at frame 0
Card 1 is Bend =0 at frame 0
Card 2 is Bend =0 at frame 0
and when
Card 1 is Bend =250 at frame 200
Card 2 is Bend =255 at frame 200
for example.
 Any help would be so very well appreciated.

Thank you


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