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oldsmobile autocrat yellow peril 1911 (WIP)

polycounter lvl 4
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CanberkYucekok polycounter lvl 4
Hello everyone, this is my car model, i only assigned arnold shader, i was kinda tired and frusturated modelling this, so i took a break for another project, now i want to get back to this and finish it after all, do you see any problems with the model or do you have any recommendations that can better showcase the model for my portfolio. Thanks everyone.


  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    oh nice work, looking forward to seeing all the materials on it, it all looks so clean and perfect now. A nice collection of leather, wood, brass etc materials would look great and of course a simple background scene/hdri might help sell it too.
  • CanberkYucekok
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    CanberkYucekok polycounter lvl 4

    Hi everyone, i want to add a quick update to this. I have fixed some polycount issues about the model, and prepared uvs. I have learned alot about normal baking, Uv layingout, udims, pbr, substance painter, marmoset etc. within last month. I might not say that i am an expert or anything, i just wanted to ask if you guys thing i m on the right way. So i prepared uvs, instead of UDIM, i grouped the meshes and created about 12 shaders with them, because initially i did not get how to make use of UDIMs and understand them, i think i may have understand them after all. What is assigned there mostly smart materials come with substance painter. I will do my texturing after that.

    The mesh size is about 12,7 MB (Sketchfab File is way larger because for some reason i couldnt load the .fbx file to marmoset (13 mb) instead i upload obj file (50mb).

    What i really worked on was to keep the file size down, or even create game asset. This is something i am not very good at. I have some question for those who might like to answer. 

    My biggest question is this; file size of my base mesh 13 mb with fbx. But its around 50 mb when its extension is .obj; do you think this is normal? Similarly. exporting from substance, when i export jpeg. total size is around 20 mb, but if i try targa or png (16 bits) its around 250 mb of folder). This made me super confused. I guess there are things that i dont understand.

    Do you guys a know a way to model a grid shape for the front of the car i used to have one but it is too complex and even bigger than the size of the car so i said i must find another way to solve that. I seen somethings like alpha mixed with normal map i am not sure if i can get a result from that.

    Any feedback will be appreciated.

    Thanks everyone.
  • CanberkYucekok
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    CanberkYucekok polycounter lvl 4
    Hi everyone,

    I made some progress on this project that i would like to share with you. I did not have any pbr texturing experience before this and it wasa kinda trial and error process for me. I neither worked on substance or Marmoset before this project. It was my first serious map baking and texturing experience and i might say it left some question marks on me. Here is a snapshot of what i have so far:

    As you see this is a very rough work so far. I only assigned some smart materail that come with substance painter. I dont want to overload this topic with long message so i better cut to chase :)

    As i was trying to export this to Substance Painter. First i used obj. format file size was around 45 mb, this is huge compared to 14 mb fbx format and i could not see any difference with the export in terms of result. Am i doing something wrong here in here, i dont understand how come such a standart format as .obj might be so useless compared to fbx format.

    Another similar thing occurred as i exported the maps, when i exported targe file size was 150 mb in total; when i exported jpg it came out 30mb; this also made me super confused. I must be missing some point here.

    Finally; there is a grid on the front of the car; something like the grid below. Is there anyway to create this grid without creating huge file sizes. I only imagine there may be a way to create it with alpha maps or something. Or is it unavoidable?

    lgili resim

    Any comment-feedback about anything or questions above will be hugely appreciated.

    Thanks all of you guys.

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