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Need help with Normals Issue on a 3D Character Model for in game.

polycounter lvl 8
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Cybersam polycounter lvl 8
Hey guys, this one may be painfully obvious and my work isn't amazing, but i'm proud that I created it from start to finish.

Here's the Problem:

I can't figure out why the lighting doesn't connect the leg to waist properly. Especially when this isn't occuring anywhere else on the model.
It's not overlapping geometry and I'm sure the face normals are set to outwards.

#3DArt #CharacterArt #VideoGames #Normals #NormalsIssue


  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Looks like a bad AO bake to me. Can you show the texture files? 
  • Cybersam
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    Cybersam polycounter lvl 8
    @BIGTIMEMASTER certainly. But I don't think the AO map is baked anywhere in the scene.




  • Cybersam
    Offline / Send Message
    Cybersam polycounter lvl 8
    *HEAD SLAMS ON TABLE*.... WHY!?!?!?

    It seems to fix the problem if I rotate the UV island 180
  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Seems you may have inadvertently flipped that UV shell. It should line up with the corresponding piece in the texture. 
  • Cybersam
    Offline / Send Message
    Cybersam polycounter lvl 8
    If it was flipped wouldn't it not show the texture at all? Also, do you know if blender has the functionality to "show" if UV's are flipped (like in 3dsmax, where it would colour the island red instead of blue)?
  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    If it's flipped it's just going to show the texture, but flipped. As if you were looking in a mirror. Try taking that UV shell and just moving it around. Pay attention to what is happening to the texture on the model as you do. To make it even more apparent what is happening, substitute in a texture that has some lettering on it. Grab one of your UV islands and drag it over the letters. Then flip it horizontal, vertical, rotate, and so on. Then you'll understand what the relationship is. 

    I don't know nuthin about blender, but I'd be surprised if it didn't have a "show flipped shells" function. I'm sure google knows. 

  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Check this out.  Where ever the UV's are on the texture map, that's what they are going to show. If you flip the shell, it just displays the texture flipped. If you make the shell bigger, the texture will appear small, and vice versa. 

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