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Interview Questions for Artist roles in Gaming

Would you guys share what sort of questions you normally get asks when interviewing for Artists positions with gaming studios? Let's not include the usual HR/Behavioral questions like strengths, weaknesses, motivation, challenges, etc. 

I think this would benefit all who job seekers to prepare in advance for their interviews. :) Thanks for your responses.


  • Meloncov
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    Meloncov greentooth
    First, check out the wiki: http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Game_Industry#Interviews

    Beyond your standard universal questions, you tend to get:

    Questions about your technical knowledge (e.g. "Explain PBR")
    Questions about your portfolio ("What technique did you use to do X?/If you had more time, how would you improve piece Y?")
    Questions about your gaming habits ("What are you playing/What's your favorite game?")
    Questions about the studio's games ("Have you played our games? What would you improve in the art from our last game??)
  • Biomag
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    Biomag sublime tool
    Which one do you think is your strongest portfolio piece? Why do you think so? What would be the one thing that you would improve?
    Simple line of questions that tells you about what the candidate actually 'sees'.

    And the typical questions regarding workflow, plus going into details
    Do you sculpt or texture details in substance and why?
    Do you use Marvelous Designer and what for?

    Questions regarding what is your typical work day?
    How do you prioritize? Do you check-in with leads / pm?
    Do you prefer daily feedback or at the end of a task?
  • garcellano
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    garcellano greentooth
    During my interview with Hardsuit Labs, I vaguely remember getting asked what was my worst experience was. It was a VR arch-viz type of project that I just admitted to them that I removed it on my resume. I tried my best to not say anything super bad about it, if anything. That, and some of my experiences in film/vfx, just more on the office side of things.

    For games, one of the Senior Level Designers asked me, during the lunch interview, what was a game I played where I enjoyed the level or level design. Off the top of my head, I brought up Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate, for the 3DS. Doesn't necessarily have to be just that game, but also the Arkham series. Aside from Rainbow Six Siege, I remember rambling about that, because even on the 3DS, they nailed it pretty good, mixing it with the Metroid-vania type feel in  the Batman universe. I want to say some of the developers on Metroid Prime or Other M, or those that were at Retro Studios, worked at Armature Studios, I can be wrong, but they're not that far from each other.
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