Made a couple changes to the width of her face and pushed that eyebrow ridge a little more. Feeling like the face is representing the concept a bit more.
Hair is done! Now back to working on the clothes. Unsure as to how i'll tackle that fur on the coat just yet. I do plan on re-topologizing the character so I might stick will simple sculpted shapes and nothing too fancy. [Edit: changed the size of the gif and brought down the file size quite a bit]
Nice work man! from the middle image I feel like the area under the cheek is too narrow when compared to the concept. Nice work on the hair by the way.
Retopo progress. Need to work on that chin topology a bit more and see if i can find a better edge flow to retain the sharpness of the chin better. Would love any feedback or suggestions!
I'm probably not the best one to comment on face topology as I need some serious practice myself, but maybe keeping the chin to the basic straight edge flow and then fiddling around with vector placement to get the flat-ish bottom from the concept would be easier?
Thank you for the suggestion @blueblur22 ! I made quite a few changes to the topology and your comment helped me out
Here is a texturing update! I threw this into marmoset and set up the lights in the scene. Still need to get her into pose but I'm open to any suggestions on adjustments!
Looks great . I like the texture on the skin. What about if you made her fluffy part of her suit with real alpha cards instead? Altho thats alot more work and might not be what youre going for.
@akiratang - Thank you! I really appreciate it! I was thinking about adding a couple extra fluffs via alpha cards but haven't really played around with it. But I did consider doing the whole fluffy part as alpha cards. I'll play around with it and see how it comes out! Thanks for the suggestion.
Looks really good~ My only suggestion would be define the brow a little more. Perhaps, a little more planar maybe, or it could be achieved through more defined texture painting yet to come? Anyways, great work
Posed! For the most part. Adjusted the lighting a little more to brighten up the scene a bit more. But I think it be playing around with the textures and lighting to saturate the clothing and hair some.
Wow that came out really well! If you're still playing around with the textures on the face, try darkening the area around the eye (like the concept art) to give her more contrast in the face. Also consider adding a bit of gloss to the upper eyelids.
Still feel like the likeness to the concept still needs to be pushed. Struggling with capturing that and would love any critiques!
[Edit: changed the size of the gif and brought down the file size quite a bit]
Here is a texturing update! I threw this into marmoset and set up the lights in the scene. Still need to get her into pose but I'm open to any suggestions on adjustments!
What about if you made her fluffy part of her suit with real alpha cards instead? Altho thats alot more work and might not be what youre going for.
My only suggestion would be define the brow a little more. Perhaps, a little more planar maybe, or it could be achieved through more defined texture painting yet to come?
Anyways, great work
Adjusted the lighting a little more to brighten up the scene a bit more. But I think it be playing around with the textures and lighting to saturate the clothing and hair some.
Thank you all so much for all the help and critiques. I truly appreciate it.
More images are up on ArtStation: