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Spline Collision detection - which version of 3Ds Max brought/has this...?

polycounter lvl 9
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Jonathan85 polycounter lvl 9
You have a bunch of splines (future cables for example) lying on ground (Z axis=0) and they variously intersect (collide with each other). If i make these splines "renderable" (give them thickness- make the meshes) they become hoses/tubusus that intersect. I dont want them to intersect. I want them to automatically "lift" each other (bend over each other) in the places they intersect...

I know this was one of new "tools/features" that some newer version of 3ds max (or service pack) introduced.
It was even advertized as a new feature... But it was few years probably back and i dont remember WHICH version of 3ds max (or service pack) has this...

Could someone help please with this? WHich version is it?


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