Hi, i haven't been on forum for few years I have been working lately on an abandoned vintage truck. Please feel free to comment and criticize the artwork so it can be improved and we all can learn from mistakes.
I think that the weakest part is car's material and i would like to improve that. Do you have any advice or commentary on that?
Hey, I think overall the materials could be improved. I don't know if you use substance Designer but can definitely recommend it. The scene could also use some story or you could do some thing interesting with vegetation. Here are 2 scenes I like maybe it can inspire you. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/kv3Lz https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2wOqv
Hi Siver, thank you for your feedback! Yes, i have used both Substance Designer and Painter. The second scene is definitely the quality of materials i am looking for, I'll remake the car's materials.
I think overall the materials could be improved. I don't know if you use substance Designer but can definitely recommend it.
The scene could also use some story or you could do some thing interesting with vegetation.
Here are 2 scenes I like maybe it can inspire you.
Yes, i have used both Substance Designer and Painter. The second scene is definitely the quality of materials i am looking for, I'll remake the car's materials.