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Anatomy Studying Tool

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bkost interpolator
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Hi all,

In this thread I'd like to document my process for developing an anatomy studying tool. I've been taking Scott Eaton's 'Anatomy for Artists' course and the knowledge he is sharing is in depth and sometimes hard to nail down on the first watch through. I'd like to hammer in the anatomy of the skeleton, muscle and integumentary system into my brain. I believe building this app will help do so. Whats better is that I will have a means of studying these systems and various artist related content once completed (e.g. proportions, bony landmarks, fatty tissue)

I believe I have a good anatomy foundation to begin this project and a decent understanding of c# in Unity. I'm not intending for this to be the ne plus ultra anatomy model (that's what scans are for), more so a way of leveling up my eye for anatomy.

First I'd like to focus on the Skeletal system, for that's the foundation of the body and what holds us together. Lets kick it off with the skull, which is the basis of nailing down the proportions for the rest of the body

A fun little comp I did in marmoset


  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    Are you working towards making an ecorche? 
    While the effort to make an app is commendable, I would just use Anatronica which already has everything you've planned.

  • bkost
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    bkost interpolator
    Hi @NikhilR Yes and I wish to implement some other tools that would help out while building a character, like pointing out bony landmarks and a 3d proportion guide. 

    I'm doing this to help me grow as an artist and programmer. By building all the bones and muscle insertions myself I'll be learning way more than using an already made app.
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Go for it you will learn a lot for sure
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    For learning, I think there's no better way. I have trouble with getting characters and animals to look right every time until I start from the bone structure and build outward. I imagine it will be like this for awhile until I've done it enough times.
  • bkost
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    bkost interpolator
             Here I've got the Spine in place. In total there are 24 Vertebrae, split into 3 different sections. The Lumbar, the largest of them all supporting the weight of the upper body. Thoracic (Dorsal Column)  which make up most of the spine, each Thoracic vertebra pair with a rib. 12 Thoracic Vertebra and 12 Ribs. Finally there are the 7 cervical vertebra supporting the head, the first two c1 and c2 are unique in form and function and have their own names, 'Atlas' and 'Axis' respectively. The 7th cervical vertebra (c7) more superficial than the rest of the cervical vertebra which make its a prominent bony landmark goes by 'vertebra prominens'

    Hey @carvuliero I'm excited, oh and Scott Eaton really knows his stuff! I had a peak at your 'Learn to see' thread. You've got some fantastic exercises. The spot the difference, gesture sculpts, and mass conception work is great! I'd like to do those sometime. 

    I agree @BIGTIMEMASTER (: I'm already learning a ton!
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    bkost said:
    Hi @NikhilR Yes and I wish to implement some other tools that would help out while building a character, like pointing out bony landmarks and a 3d proportion guide. 

    I'm doing this to help me grow as an artist and programmer. By building all the bones and muscle insertions myself I'll be learning way more than using an already made app.
    Nicely sculpted!
    I just thought to share that program with you, if you'd like a closer look at the anatomy in that app which could assist with what you plan to make yourself!
    Following your progress!
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    I suggest you take some time to look for proper bone alignment and relations , this thing will save you the trouble of reworking parts down the road and prevent your skeleton from look wonky and all over the place [its called "anatomical position" in some books]
  • bkost
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    bkost interpolator
            Hi guys, I'm slowly building up the skeleton bones. I'm tackling this piece how I normally would with any other character. Working from big forms first, making sure to nail down proportions and silhouette first. I block in the different masses starting with a primitive, usually a sphere that I dynamesh down to a resolution of 40. I've began the Unity programming side and I hope to share with you all some little snap shots of the scripts in the next few days. I've got the '3d model viewer' navigation worked out.

            I'm using John Hartman's anatomical position skeleton piece for my primary reference for the proportions. The two other resources making up for most of my reference is the book 'Atlas of Human Anatomy for the Artist' by Stephen Rogers Peck which provides extensive detail of Bones, Muscles, Surface anatomy and other various anatomical content. And we've got the Sketchfab model viewer where I've been referencing CT scanned bones. 

    @NikhilR Thank you, I appreciate the app info. I may use that for some inspiration as I begin to develop my tool in Unity!

    @carvuliero Yeah, the anatomical position setup is great for seeing how certain bones are aligned. It has helped me immensely.

  • bkost
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    bkost interpolator
    Here is a small snippet showing my development for the tool! What you're seeing being played is in the Unity dev "game" engine. It is all still a work in progress, but I'm happy with what I have been able to accomplish. The navigation is functional and the barebones of the app is built. Next up is to incorporate more tools into the application, I'd like to have toggle buttons for showing a variety of items (i.e. Description of highlighted bones and Landmarks). Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at my progress. Any feedback is warmly welcomed.
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