Created a cube, duplicated it several times and sculpted details. Then merged all of the subtools together and tried to create one solid mesh by runnign dynamesh on it. Dynamesh created several small holes and wrecked the whole mesh. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
If that doesn't solve the issue I export out the subtool and re-import it.
What may have also happened is that the sculpting at some point may have resulted in a small hole in one of the cracks/crevices. Dyanmesh can sometimes see the hole and mess up the entire subtool/mesh because it reads it as a concave piece of very thin geometry which is what would cause this type of damage. Try to isolate those subtools that are having issues and dynamesh them by themselves to see if you get a small concentration of broken geo anywhere on them. Then try to repair those holes with a combo of inflate and smooth.