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Garand M1D

polycounter lvl 5
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Wisegold polycounter lvl 5
Hi polycount,
I have the pleasure to share with you my last personal work.
I had a lot of fun and some hard times but finally I show you the final result :-) 
I hope you like it.
C&C are welcome.



  • Maxilator
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    Maxilator polycounter lvl 8
    Looks great, very slick presentation, i'd probably personally make some edges a bit softer put that's not really an exact science.
  • MarcoAntonio
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    MarcoAntonio polycounter lvl 6
    NICE WORK!! really.
    There are, however, some things that could be improved. I see some seams here and there, which are probably caused by having different UV islands and a UV map projection of your layers in substance painter. You could try to remove part of this layers by painting a mask for them anywhere the issue happens.
    Another problem is the lack of ambient occlusions and shadows. There seems to be a lot of light that can be seen in places where it should be occluded. You should activate the GI option in marmoset. If it doesn´t work for you (my computer brokes with it), you could try another render like unity, which works for me.
    And the last thing I see is that the low poly model needs a lot of optimization. I see a lot of loops and quads that could be removed without affecting the shading.
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