Hey everyone !
I have been working on this environment for a couple of hours now ,blocking it out and familiarizing myself with Unreal.
So far over the years I have been doing only high poly models ,no texturing ,no nothing so with this project i aim to get some experience in that ( it may be a bite too big for me to chew on ,but we'll see.)
Seeing this project through the end is gonna be somewhat of an achievement for me because i usually start modeling stuff and I'm bored of it by the end of the week

I am really looking forward to some critical feedback !
And of course credits to
Lihang Wang for the concept art.

I initially blocked everything out in Max and brought it into Unreal.

The bloom seems too high and its blowing out the door in the back but for now i don't know how to fix it.

At this point I am gonna start to actually model the props and read up some more on Unreal. Cheers !
I'd love to see your current folio just to see what you're up to etc.
Blockout looking cool and proportions look right too. How are you creating your tiling materials? Using Substance Designer?
I'm gonna do them in Substance.
Since I don't have any prior experience with any texturing software ( I have been doing only geometry for years ) will be a hard task but I'm really looking forward to it !
Looks like a good start.