Hi guys,
Before let me introduce myself, I'm a full time graphic designer in a packaging agency (box) and a selftaugh
2D_3D concept artist.
I'm here to learn, and would like to say that i really appeciate the forum/website which a pure gold mine for a loner 3D enhusiast like me! (my last post is about 2 years ago for XMD challenge). Time is running...
So please find below my last attempt of realtime 3D "realistic" character (from A to Z: sketch/scultpt/retopo/UV/texturing/Rigging and skinning). My inspiration for this character comes from HUNT and BF:WW1 (press shot:>) . It took around 9-10 days to complete.
You'll find below some captures, from the moodboard to sculpt and the breakdown of the 3d character (rendering directly from MToolbag viewport)
>Tri count is around 83K with accessories, and ± 70K without the guns (multimesh) with a 4K maps (+ 1x 2k for the ground)
Any comments/criticism are more than welcome ! [There is still a lot of work to do > hand retopo and hip finger/skinning]
Thanks for your time

Moodboard with reference and sketchs

zbrush sculpt with clothes

Marvelous D with apparels

marmoset breakdown : wireframe/ablde/NM/gloss

Model with texture TPOSE

Marmoset viewer render


BF "Lut"


Keylight changes
Also add a small bend at the elbow to get folds on its inside. This has 2 benefits - natural folds that make it more interesting and easier for the rigger to find the elbow.
That bracer on the left leg should be affecting the folds (and not intersecting the geo
The holster on the chest should be reversed. The way it is right now, he could not take the weapon out
The bag should be affecting the black coat and its belt should not be wobbly. Gravity is pulling it down unless there is something hard enough to build up resistance - so in your case it should be quite straight and the bags weight should affect the clothing underneath.
I agree with Brian, a close up of the sculpted and textured face would be good
Use reference for the pose. From the side there are a lot of issues with the legs and the arm and their bends.
Overall a nice work, but I think if you keep these things in mind you will make a nice progress on the next project
For skinning the only real advice I can give is to skin your base mesh and use it to transfer skin weights. Being a more simple shape its usually easier to skin it than the clothing. After you transferred the skin weights you might still have to adjust some stuff, but it should be far less and faster done
When it comes to posing ZBrush can be an option. I personally prefer doing simple poses to avoid getting stretched parts. This can be achieved with ZBrush, but in my personal opinion a simple rig + skinning has the advantage that testing different poses and polishing becomes easier than what you can do in ZBrush. It really depends on the character and how certain I am about the pose and where I can get there faster.
Regarding the holster - yep that's it
For the next time I would suggest you post your base mesh and try to get an opinion on that to avoid some anatomy issues that become much more work to fix once you get the clothing on
I agree with the others, especially regarding the length of the torso, but I don't think this was mentioned so let me add that the material of the large vest is a bit vague... I think it's meant to be leather but it seems too glossy for that.
No doubt this guy was a big challenge (so many layers!), and overall nicely executed.
The mouth seems a litlle weirdo (convex), because of the field of view.
About the face, the injury/wound is a burn with a scar. For hair, i 've used,hair card with painted hairbrush (via a custom Illustrator brush).
pluralsight has several courses and you could complete them all in a month or two -- so about $60.
> i take note of that.
the material of the large vest is a bit vague... I think it's meant to be leather but it seems too glossy for that
> For the leather jacket, i've in mind a leather nubuck. Which is revelant wihin the collar ( glossy and peachy skin aspect).
I agree with the others, especially regarding the length of the torso,
> I agree with you.
Based on your comments, the 2x belts are too low (i should stop around the shell/cartridge belt). About torso and the pelvis, may be i'm wrong. buti would say that the distance between sacrum and pubis is too high.
A question about PBR environment, which option do you use for micro surface (gloss/roughness/micro roughness)??
Thanks again for your critical eyes
It also looks like you did not define for cheek bones at all.
Wings of the nose don't curve back in properly from the looks of it.
He has no chin. The forms aren't there.
Could you do me a favor and check the scale in Marmorset? Use the 'show scale reference' box when you select the scene in the outliner. Maybe its just me but the lighting looks a bit of and it could be related to the scale. Its either that or it the light could be just a bit too strong and should be reduced and compensated with some additional point light or something to get it bright enough without getting these hard shadows that make it hard to read the shapes.
Last thing - could you go to ZBrush, get to draw and get the angle of view somewhere between 25 and 30 and make a 3/4, side and front view of the face? Maybe we can give you then some pointers
The beard need to be refine. i'm thinking to add a third layer on the top, in order to break the tile effect. Thanks for your anatomy feedbacks.
Bellow the sculpt. For the story i did a lot of sculpt within the height map of Painter. Same way for "pore" map (with substance source and a mix of Rafa souza brush/alpha).
The planar change from masseter muscle to the orbicularis around the mouth is wrong. Double check how jowls form.
Zygomatic arch needs to be defined from not just the corner of the eye, but to the ear as well.
Nasiolabial fold needs more definition.
You need to do some anatomy studies, breaking down the planes of the face among other breakdowns.
I hope you can read my horrible handwritting - if something is unclear, let me know
So just a couple of basic points for the future:
1. Eyes - check out Peter Zoppis Gumroad eye tutorial. It is excellent for $5,- and has all the basics. Make sure the distance from pupil to pupil is ~6,5cm for men and ~6cm for women. If you start with the correct eyes, you get a correct reference point for everything else. Make also sure you have proper thickness for the eyelids.
2. For the forehead and jaw line follow more the skull shape. For the forehead you can also slightly exagerate the shape to get that curve up there as most of the times it gives a more refined look. Also make sure you have the zygomatic arch in there as it is the widest point of the face and the whole eye structure lies on top.
4. Pay attention to the planar face and when using references and look for those planes.
5. Take a look at the nasolabial fold and follow it down to the jaw as well as the masseter.
Overall I think just a bit more refined primary and secondary forms will do a lot for your work. I really like the feel of the eyes, nose and lip planes in the sculpt, although there are some issues with the areas I mentioned previously. If you get those right in your next project, I think you will have a really nice result
From what i read on the net ('polysculpt" website from Thomas Roussel) it's a really good book for shape.
Also i'm trying to do the samurai feudal contest that i see on artstation in order to boost my portfolio (which is empty like a seashell xD).
When it comes to challenges for portfolio purposes... I am not a fan of it. There are so many doing them, but actually only the top of the crop will be noticed. If your fundamentals aren't strong you are just rushing and building on top off mistakes and compromises. Make no false assumption that having a full portfolio gets you a job. It doesn't require that many pieces, but the competition comes with a high standard. Juniors have to be able to do the same quality of work as senior with minimal guidance. So focusing to learn and get the stuff right should be a much higher priority than exposure and quantity until you nail the quality level required. You don't want to end up being part of the noise of hundreds of beginners trying to make it. Good work gets noticed.