Good Morning Everyone,
I ve never realy worked with proboolean yet, but wantzed to give it a try, after seeing some Videos of Arrimus and Simon Fuchs.
I worked on a Mesh that has been subdivided with the two Turbosmooth technic and everytime I try to Bool it with Proo boolean it destroys my entire "Geo".
I ve checked it with a STL Check, without any errors and it is not Fliped aswell, maybe it is a realy easy issue, so I thought I should just Ask here, Thank you in advance!
All the best ^^
As you can see, all the Edgeloops are "Destroyed"?!
Now i ll gonna look why the heck this is on not the default?!
Cleaning up after bools, before proBooleans came around, was a nightmare, you would get a bunch of verts inbetween faces where they met and it created a lot of coplanar edges. When the removal tool works, it saves you a LOT of time.
Usually you bool your low poly cage before subdivision not after/during.
You probably want to back up a step, remove the subdivisions and bool the lower resolution cage, clean up the results and then set up the double turbosmooth workflow again.
I ll gonna make some tests to realy get how it is working, but all you ve said helped me a lot.
In 7 years I realy tried to avoid to bool meshes, but more because of uncertainty than anything else.
So... lets dive into it ^^
I still have the lowpoly geo, it was just a test to see how big my bool-shapes should be to support the feeling for the Size of my Object.
Thank you for the advice ^^