Hi guys, so I'm looking to create a script that exports my selection as .fbx with some specific options, I've searched the help and I can't figure out how to set these options specifically. Basically I want to export the .fbx with these options turned off even if the user has turned them on in the GUI so I'm looking for a way to code this in MEL script. Can someone point me to where I could learn this, and I guess I'd need a browse button too so they can choose where to save the file.
Yes! It's possible but oddly not exposed in the maya scripting docs. I stumbled over this until I discovered the "FBXProperties" mel command. (there is no python equivalent that I could find) If you run that command, you'll see a huge printout in the script editor that shows all the FBX settings. It'll include the areas you have highlighted in your screencap above.
My workflow has been to run a series of the mel fbx commands here to set my settings, and then to export the fbx file afterwards with the FBXExport -f filename.fbx -s command. You can set that location with a generic maya prompt gui. For example:
<p>$location = `fileDialog2 -ff "*.fbx"`;
//write out according to the frame range in the time slide
For example:
My workflow has been to run a series of the mel fbx commands here to set my settings, and then to export the fbx file afterwards with the FBXExport -f filename.fbx -s command. You can set that location with a generic maya prompt gui. For example:
I think you can find more in their help docs below. But yeah, the scripting reference page comes up with nothing.
Could you tell me please which MEL command I should use to open the "Export Selection" window?
Thanks for any help!