So Iv'e run into this problem a couple times and whats erking me is not being able to use the available space circled in blue. I've correctly scaled the UVs using an add on texel tool and thats what it gives me. Clearly there is free space for me to scale some UVs up but it would throw off the perfect texel density. Should I leave it as is or try to use as much 0 to 1 space as possible?
Usually though, you accept the loss if texel density is important
Remember, texel density is a guide - an ideal to aim towards, not follow exactly to the detriment of all else. You can probably scale small bits up 150%, or you can scale small insignificant things down to fit then in better, and no one would really notice.
Also, I'm assuming this is a tree or something similar. I'd probably use tiling textures on it rather than a bug unique bake. Maybe a unique texture at the base of it's particularly interesting (it doesn't look too be from the mesh).