Hi all,
I'm having a problem with a sculpt in ZBrush 2018.
I am very much a newbie to the software and am trying to create a sculpt without following a tutorial step by step (Been there, done that; will do more, but for now...).
Using Sculptris Pro (in ZBrush 2018; NOT the free Sculptris software) and I hit 5.5 million polys on the head and got the warning of too many polys for Sculptris Pro and so it was disabled. I went into preferences and upped the poly limit to 10 million and started getting tiny holes in my mesh - especially when smoothing.
I tried resetting the poly limit to 5 million but I still had the problem. Spitting the model into smaller parts didn't help either.
I know I have made a few mistakes/newbie errors in that I have used Sculptris Pro too much to smooth to a very fine detail (hence the simple dragon head being 5.5 million polys) but I have been working towards making each set of spikes separate subtools using IMM on a curve (lots of learning for me there). I was just starting to rework the lower horn (flattening out the spikes so I could resculpt the horn and add the spikes again via IMM on a curve (I'm making them a separate mesh by splitting masked points before final manipulation of the spikes to get them in just the right spot/s).
I'm trying to work out whether the problem is me or a bug as I have never had this issue before (and the issue persists even when I don't use Sculptris Pro.
I've attached a screencap to show the problem.
Thanks for your time guys (whomever has the time...lol).
I hope it's an easy fix as I'm at the point of 'gently putting ZBrush away' and going onto other projects..............
I forgot to mention; using Decimation Master and Decimating to only 50% produces many fine holes and the problem remains whgen using any brushes on the mesh (ie. more holes.
Thanks to anyone bothering to read this and even more if they have some suggestions that I can use (ie. constructive).

You can use the inflate brush to bulge those areas back out, then dynamesh, then smooth is back out.
Duplicate your model first, so you can use subtool > project all to easily get the detail back.
also try tool > geo > modify topo > close holes. Not sure if that works in this case but it's just a button to click and undo if it doesn't work.
I tried the close holes option before posting (you forget how many things you've tried before posting); it froze and I had to shut it down.
When you say that the parts are thin; aren't all polygon surfaces the same thickness? Neither part shown (inside the top of the mouth & the top of the head aren't really double-sided; I have "Double" set on as I find it easier to see what I'm doing when I've hidden part of the model to gain access to certain areas.
I tried the inflate anyway but once I smoothed we're back to square one.
I have found a solution of sorts (kind of ignoring it). I went back through my manual saves and found a head that was still only around 2 million polys. I had to redo a few little bits but now I'm back in business and all is good in the land of ZBrushing with Erwin (yeah, I'm an idiot).
However, I do think this could be a bug, so if anyone else has experienced this, please post here.
Also, anyone with a solution/workaround; also, please post as this is how we make these threads useful to others.
There's nothing worse than searching for ages, trying to solve a problem; then finding a post about it and all that's been done is talk about it - no solution. If we can find a solution or determine it as a bug, everyone that uses ZBrush wins.
OK, enough of the rant, and thanks again, BTM [sorry your name is too long