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Disenchantment Bean

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vavavoom greentooth
My attempt at Bean from Disenchantment.

Finally calling this one finished now. Got tied up with work and struggled for time, it took ages find a good balance of detail whilst still capturing the cartoony feel of the character. Removed the symmetry from the hair also. The hardest part was interpreting the flicks of hair from the 2D pictures into 3D in a way that worked (I hope it worked).
Always open for crits and advice, thanks for looking

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  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Separate the hair into different sub volumes to get a cleaner hair look.  Redynamesh it all together if you absolutely need it all as one.
  • zaha
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    zaha polycounter lvl 6
    Haha cool idea. I like the style, it looks very similar to her already.

    Something about the general head shape seems off to me. It's hard to put a finger on it, but I'd say it's a tad too round and soft for Bean in the last image. It's hard to tell though lookin at reference images as it's very stylized. Looking at this image I think the jaw needs to be a bit more square and broader?

    May be just me though :dizzy:
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Thanks @Brian "Panda" Choi  and @zaha~

    @Brian "Panda" Choi , if it's not asking too much, could you offer any advice where to split the hair into separate volumes? I honestly was planning to keep it as one whole volume and was gonna clean it up more to make it look more polished.

    @zaha , here are the 2 references i used in the viewport background grid (side view ref was rotated accordingly).
    I followed the shape outlines from these. With the side view ref I flipped the ref pic on/off so it gave me the effect of having 2 frame animation of mouth open/closed to get the mouth looking 'right' in a closed position.

    I'm not sure about her head being too round or soft... my earlier sculpt progress had a more broader jaw and angular shape, but it didn't look right to me and it didn't seem to capture the feel of the art style. But, I will play around a little perhaps to see if theres a happy medium somewhere.

    Thanks guys~

    I will have another pass at these landmarks, perhaps it will help.

  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Quick and dirty fix on the areas mentioned in the above post pic.
  • zaha
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    zaha polycounter lvl 6
    @vavavoom Wow, that was quick. I think you hit the sweet spot there, although it's subtle it gives her head more definition IMHO. The feeling that something is off is gone. Like it! :)
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    @zaha thanks~!

    Gonna tweak the eyebrows make them a little more prominent, maybe bring the nose bridge out a little more, and then polish it all up and i'm calling it done.

    Oh, also i'll have a shot at separating the hair volumes like @Brian "Panda" Choi suggested. 
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    broke up the hair volumes @Brian "Panda" Choi , there's one that seems out of place (the ones that stick out of the big volume at the back) and not sure how to blend it into the bigger volume best but will experiment more later.

    eyelashes made quickly , will tidy them later. Did another pass at the face to bring out the 3D features more.

    Probably gonna bring the start of the chest area out a bit more as i think it's too far in if it were part of the body.

    Hope to get this finished over the weekend~:)

  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Finally calling this one finished now. Got tied up with work and struggled for time, it took ages find a good balance of detail whilst still capturing the cartoony feel of the character. Removed the symmetry from the hair also. The hardest part was interpreting the flicks of hair from the 2D pictures into 3D in a way that worked (I hope it worked).
    Always open for crits and advice, thanks for looking~~~~

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