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Need feedback on my Showreel

polycounter lvl 4
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Chetanmungi polycounter lvl 4
Hey guys,

This is my very first time posting here so please excuse my mistakes but i'm looking for feedbacks on my showreel. I want to improve but I can't judge myself at what i'm lacking. Also I have just passed college with a degree in animation and gaming but I don't know what I want to do next. I have made this showreel with intention of getting first into prop modeling. Should I go for an internship ? I am very confused. Thank you.



  • HarlequinWerewolf
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    HarlequinWerewolf polycounter
    Hey, welcome to Polycount, as a fellow graduate I totally understand your uncertainty. You obviously enjoy prop work so I think you should definitely continue pursuing that. Personally, I am not a fan of a show reel that is just still images. In general, I feel modelling show reels aren't necessary but if you're going to have one, render out some turntables where you turn from fully textured model into the wireframe. This was a viewer can pause the video and peruse whatever they want to at whatever point they want to. Do you have a portfolio site with some still renders? That's a lot easier to critique.

    Your textures could really do with some work. Your opening work of the revolver needs some love, adding more tonal variation between the materials and the parts of the gun. Also, there doesn't appear to be any variation in the specular or roughness around the gun and that seems to be consistent in most of your models. Your Substance Painter piece, however, looks a lot better in that regard. It's got some variation that breaks up the textures rather than making them look too "shiny" or fake.

    If you are interested in gaming, you would really need to optimise your models as the polycount is massive for most of them. And I would look into getting renders from a real time renderer like Marmoset or Unreal (Which is free)

    I think you have a lot of potential and you definitely look committed to modelling so I'd be interested to see some more
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Format wise, non of your props necessitate it being on a youtube reel.  I would just have it all on a portfolio website in still images.  It will be the quickest to digest.

    Your terxturing quality needs to rival and/or exceed the assets you see in other games  you intend these props to be in.  Use that as a possible, clear rubric.
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