Hello, i'm looking for a way to export my animation from maya to unreal4 the twist is that my rig is made from a couple of mesh that are parent to the joints. So when i export in unreal my mesh does not move.
is there no way that i can just bake the animation on maya and on unreal it just play it. I dont want to be able to modify the animation in unreal i just want it to play? my mesh as 600+ individual part and painting skin weigth on every single one will be a long time
I don't think its possible to export animations to unreal without a skeletal mesh. Right now, unreal does not support vertex animation data from FBX files.
You need to Skin and paint weights so unreal can interpret the mesh as a skeletal mesh.
GO here first -> https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/maya/learn-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2018/ENU/Maya-CharacterAnimation/files/GUID-66922B35-A848-4161-BFCF-4EB75413702E-htm.html
And here -> https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-us/Engine/Content/Types/SkeletalMeshes
my rig resemble this guy rig in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7kc0geXHJY
sorry new ton unreal4 btw
There is support for morph target though.
Have a look at this thread. https://forums.unrealengine.com/development-discussion/content-creation/491-vertex-animated-fbx