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Attack animation feedback

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william null
Hi, I've been trying to do an attack animation as practice but I'm struggling a bit with the air part and the landing, any feedback would be really appreciated.



  • tholmes3d
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    tholmes3d polycounter lvl 11
    OooOOooooooo this is an fun problem to figure out. I'm interested to see how you solve it. I think the issue is that the timing of your last attack kind of has 3 partial beats, instead of a solid 2. Currently the beats I feel are (1) the foot connecting as the two characters become synced in the air, (2) the first strike, (3) the second strike. I think if you made the connection in air less defined and just sold the two hits, it would feel better. Also small note, try delaying the timing of the react translation for the dummy by a frame for the in-air hits. And as a posing note, the more you can curve the spine during the antic for the final jump the more it'll pop. right now the back is stiff through that whole area (maybe just because it's a WIP).

    Hopefully that helps!
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