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modelling a gaming mouse

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I am trying to model a detailed gaming mouse but can't find many tutorial specific to gaming style mouses only basic yet these techniques don't have the effect I want to achieve and wondering if anyone can help me with any tutorials, information, step by steps, methods and techniques so I can create a realistic gaming mouse. 



  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter
    Fairly straight forward hardsurface task from my POV and very likely there wont be a specific workthrough online for you too follow. So I'm curious whether you've previously modeled an object of this level of fidelity, polygonal or otherwise? 

    It's only because I see a couple options at a glance how you might proceed generating a base mesh to begin with.
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    No links to tutorials, but there is a link here on polycount that will help you create your model and the details through using booleans. In anycase its a darn interesting thread: https://polycount.com/discussion/168610/3ds-max-zbrush-proboolean-dynamesh-hardsurface-workflow-tutorial/p1
  • sophie_3d_artist
    Thank you @sacboi for the reply, I have done both hard surface and organic modelling and sculpting before but not tackled modelling a realistic CGI model of this type before with the organic shape and hard surface structure. I seem to find it is either too soft and looks flimsy or it isn't quite soft enough and even adding or reducing the polygons I still have the issue of consistency so any advice or help as to how I can make a realistic mesh similar to the reference as possible will be greatly appreciated! Thank you. 
  • sophie_3d_artist
    Thank you @kanga for your reply and for thread link, its extremely helpful and insightful! 
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    as always. start with the big shapes and then break it down and refine.
  • sophie_3d_artist
    @Neox thank you for the reply. Done basic block out and refined, just struggling to get the details in the mesh without creases and inperfections 
  • Eric Chadwick
    We can't provide feedback without you posting screenshots of your model.

    Provide an image of both the shaded subdivided model, and the shaded wireframe of the unsubdivided model. For example: 

  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    Model one half of the mouse and use a symmetry modifier for the other side.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Forums are great for picking up nuggest of knowledge, or getting help with specific technical difficulties, or getting general artistic advice. But for 101 modeling instruction, you'll never get anywhere this way. Try some hardsurface tutorials : 


    If you can make an AKM and a Mech, figuring how to model this mouse won't be much trouble. Whenever you find yourself asking, "where do I even start?" that is a good indicator that you lack some fundamental knowledge, which is what tutorials are perfect for.
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter

    sophie_3d_artist said:

    Done basic block out and refined, just struggling to get the details in the mesh without creases and inperfections 

    May've been a tad off handed implying a clear cut process modelling this object which is clearly parametric solid designed i.e. CAD as with most mechanically manufactured products these days in the current modern era. Now probably not surprising you're encountering problems, it is afterall a precision piece so other than suggest reviewing polygonal basics I might have a crack generating the thing, if time permits in order to formulate a possible optimised workflow.
  • sophie_3d_artist
    thank you everyone for the comments and feedback. I have split the model in half and using symmetry yet still having the issue of getting the subtle details into the mesh without it become distorted or not smooth enough. I've looked at hard surface modelling and made a old retro mouse without issue but implementing the details seems to cause problems using the same methods. 

    The block out and structure I have so far using hard surface is below but as can see the mesh has a few imperfections so I am struggling to form the detail realistically. 
  • Mark Dygert
    A block out of the entire object is good to get the over all shape dialed in, you might even come back to it and use it as your final low poly, if you're trying to make a game ready asset. BUT you need to focus on the high poly workflow. You need to start breaking it apart into it's physical pieces, of which there are many. It looks like you broke off part into a separate element but I split it off into its own object, don't be afraid to have a bunch of separate objects, that's how it is made in the real world. That way you can focus on each piece, one at a time, getting it's shape and topology to work without having to worry about how that topo will flow into all of the other pieces. 

    If you're using this to learn hard surface high poly modeling, you picked a pretty difficult object. You might want to switch it to something else because this could easily lead to a lot of frustration.
  • sophie_3d_artist
    Thank you for all the advice and help everyone; it's been really informative and helped me to break the model down further and start with the basics and work my way up! Hopefully I will be able to show my model more once I get it to a decent stage! 
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