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Telltale Game Studio's Closure.

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The Walking Dead studio Telltale Games is shutting its doors – report

Telltale Games is closing its doors, according to reports.

Reports today state The Walking Dead developer Telltale Games is shutting down.

Various posts on social media from multiple staffers at the studio seem to confirm the report, according to Gamasutra.

Posts we have seen on Twitter at least note a high level of lay-offs have occurred.


But it was kind of predictable though. Following the success of their Walking Dead series, they just kept on growing and hiring new people (they ended up being 300 employers for grief's sake) to milk and rehash the exact same ideas; furthermore with in my honest opinion low scale visuals, average writing and terrible delivering...

It's one thing to make ''Cutscene-based'' QTE games, but they just threw a bunch of popular licensed into the market without adding any novelty into it; killing their own market...-_-

I think this graph representing their overall sales on Steam is a good indicator of people's gradual lack of interest of their title.

I mean Telltale Minecraft? Batman? 

And the quality of their stuff was kinda low:


Now compare this to something like Life IS Strange which kinda is the evolutionary step they should have taken for their title (at least for their budget). And with Quantic Dream's title (Become Human) around, they should have really stepped their game up or find a new direction for their stuff...

These guys were outdated...

I feel really sad for the employees there bit the studio's closure is not only in part of probable mismanagement from the execs, but also from a lack of creative vision...

Quoted from this neogaf comment:

Make games 99% based on story.
You don't have to think much when playing the game.
You only occasionally have to have semi quick reflex.
If you mess up the reflex test, it doesn't matter.
Have a huge success because of the license and temporary novelty value.

In the end most of the content you get is what you can watch on Youtube. There's no hook in gameplay. There's no hook in solving puzzles. The only hook is in the story. Most who would watch these on Youtube wouldn't feel they want to beat the challenge or figure out the puzzles by themselves. The only thing they could look for is to get through the story and on Youtube you can get that + be entertained by the reactions of whoever is playing it. These games don't feel as if you are controlling the characters through an adventure. It feels you are mostly just proceeding a story.

Even the studio's name tell their main thing is to tell tales.

I don't think the problem was in their engine or outdated graphics or even in clunky controls. If you want to have your hook solely on telling a story, you have to have an outstanding premise in every story you tell, or the hottest possible license that in itself sells product.

More talk and info here:


  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    We Kotaku now!
  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    If I'm honest I completely forgot Telltale even existed. But I'm really interested in how this turned out, I would love to be able to ask questions like. Why did you keep hiring people and not scale down when you noticed that you weren't bringing in the same amount of money? Why did you even scale up to the huge amount of people of 300 in the first place? But, questions like this will just go unanswered because everyone involved will just be quiet and thus no one on the outside can learn anything from it.

    Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. - George Santayana

  • RustySpannerz
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    RustySpannerz polycounter lvl 14
    Wow, watching that Batman video was pretty telling. I thought Telltale made point and click adventures for the modern market, that's what the Telltale games I played were. Their Sam and Max games were excellent and I enjoyed Back to the Future too. But there was basically no gameplay in that Batman video? I get why there might not be puzzles, but no exploration either? Plus a game based on batman could experiment more with combat than a series of quicktime events. Sucks for all the employees though. 
  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    If anyone's been following along on twitter, you'd know there are some lowkey mentions of mismanagement around the place. I'm more concerned for those out of a job now. I hope as many people as possible can land on their feet.

    For any Telltale devs out of a job, if you haven't already, check the #telltalejobs hashtag on twitter for lots of folks reaching out (though not sure how you'd be here but not there).
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    BagelHero said:
    If anyone's been following along on twitter, you'd know there are some lowkey mentions of mismanagement around the place. I'm more concerned for those out of a job now. I hope as many people as possible can land on their feet.

    For any Telltale devs out of a job, if you haven't already, check the #telltalejobs hashtag on twitter for lots of folks reaching out (though not sure how you'd be here but not there).

    Like I said, it's mismanagement but it's also a lack of creative vision and self awareness...I wonder  where they execs blowed all the Walking Dead revenue  on..

    As for the artists, it's even more shitty than I thought....


    Telltale Games Shuts Down Suddenly, Won’t Pay Severance To Hundreds Of Laid Off Employees''

    The company was best known for its episodic graphic adventure games like The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead, Batman: The Telltale Series, and Minecraft: Story Mode. It initiated a “majority studio closure” today after laying off around 250 employees, saying in an official statement:

    Today Telltale Games made the difficult decision to begin a majority studio closure following a year marked by insurmountable challenges. A majority of the company’s employees were dismissed earlier this morning, with a small group of 25 employees staying on to fulfill the company’s obligations to its board and partners.

    Various reports online have indicated that the laid off employees won’t receive any severance pay and will lose their health insurance within a couple weeks. (Capcom, by contrast, will be offering severance pay to its employees.) Affected employees have been sharing details on Twitter about their situation


    And apparently, they're in the bay area; a place commonly known for being expansive as hell with actual homeless people with a job (cu they can't afford a rent or a home...

    Shit like that reminds me to NEVER be entitled to my job I guess...
    Nothing is safe in this industry
  • fdfxd2
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    fdfxd2 interpolator
    Tekoppar said:
    If I'm honest I completely forgot Telltale even existed.
    You're not alone.

    They put up way way too many games and for very strange IPs(Minecraft  story mode, comes to mind)

  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    This is why I will (hopefully) never allow myself to kill or wane my health working overtime for a game company:

    An exposé published on The Verge earlier this year looked at the company’s poor management, including such accusations as underpaying employees and a toxic “crunch culture” (including 14- to 18-hour work days, up to six days of the week).
    Some comments online indicate that employees were given just 30 minutes to leave the studio after being told they were laid off. The company’s CEO Pete Hawley referred to these employees as “friends” in a statement:

    Last streaks of tweet:

  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    "- Many former employees were contract & can't get unemployment"

    I feel the pain. I don't ever want to be a contractor again. Even when you're working in the same building, you always felt like the "other".

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Cut your expenses. Save your money. Invest in real estate. Prepare for disasters.

    You can't put all your eggs in one basket -- especially a basket as shoddy as game development -- and rely on organizations to care about you. Always take care of number one first. Nobody else will. 

  • RyanB
    fdfxd2 said:

    They put up way way too many games and for very strange IPs(Minecraft  story mode, comes to mind)

    I bought Minecraft story mode for my son.  It was popular with young boys and sold almost a million copies worldwide.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    If we're talking sales, the balance roughly wwe need to make is that is that TTG had HUNDREDS of devs, especially coming off of TWD S1's ludicrous success.  We're almost looking at the same  acceleration of scaling that  Blizzard went  through after WoW's launch.

    Ambition  understandably desires them to want to take care of other IP projects, which they did.  It's just the unfortunate thing they couldn't find a similar ridiculous success with future games.

    Hopefully we  can keep that in  mind.  @BIGTIMEMASTER they did NOT put all their eggs in one basket.  Unless you meant something else by that, Alex?
  • VelvetElvis
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    VelvetElvis polycounter lvl 12
    Cut your expenses. Save your money. Invest in real estate. Prepare for disasters.

    You can't put all your eggs in one basket -- especially a basket as shoddy as game development -- and rely on organizations to care about you. Always take care of number one first. Nobody else will. 

    Clearly you haven't ever lived in the Bay area. You need an income over $330,000 to buy a median home in that market. Median home =  shit box.

    It is also a city where $117,000 a year qualifies you as broke-ass poor.

    The overtime argument has been going on since at least 2004 in the public with the EA Spouse story. 14 years later, nothing really has changed. There are still far too many people willing to work 40 hours with no sleep just to put a game title on their resume.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    I'm not saying anything about specific people or their situations. 

    Just general advice. Probably most of these people made all the right decisions, but just had a bad stroke of luck. Sometimes you do your best but life just burns you anyway. 

    But when you see stuff like this happen, you got to think "How can I prepare so that if this happened to me, I'd be in a better position?" 

    About living in a place so expensive that a king could go broke paying rent... yeah, don't do that if you can. At least get yourself some land and a house in a livable area. Some place you can fall back on if the big city spits you out. I've got a cabin on land I own -- in total about $6k went into that -- and it gives my wife and I alot of security. No matter what happens, we can go there and just live. 

    Once we both started earning some money, we bought a house. Now we got two (together we have a combined income of less the $100k), and the second house makes money for us. Real estate is really a no-brainer. Once you can scrape together a little bit of extra cash, invest. It's the surest thing.

    From what I read and hear, game dev is an inherently risky endeavor. So don't let passion blind you. You might be the most brilliant artist or developer, but your company goes under. You got to be prepared. Like that person said in their tweet, "the company does not care about you." Truth is, nobody cares about you, besides you, and hopefully your family and close friends. 
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    If we're talking sales, the balance roughly wwe need to make is that is that TTG had HUNDREDS of devs, especially coming off of TWD S1's ludicrous success.  We're almost looking at the same  acceleration of scaling that  Blizzard went  through after WoW's launch.

    Ambition  understandably desires them to want to take care of other IP projects, which they did.  It's just the unfortunate thing they couldn't find a similar ridiculous success with future games.

    Hopefully we  can keep that in  mind.  @BIGTIMEMASTER they did NOT put all their eggs in one basket.  Unless you meant something else by that, Alex?

    Mismanagement and creative stagnation/burnout foreshadowed their doom.

    But the studio’s meteoric rise would not last. In November 2017, the company announced that it was laying off 90 developers, roughly a quarter of its staff. For some at Telltale, the news was a shock. For others, the inevitable outcome of what sources familiar with the company describe as years of a culture that promoted constant overwork, toxic management, and creative stagnation.

    To keep up with the workload, the company started rotating developers in and out of different games during the development process, sometimes in ways that employees say made little sense. As the developer’s schedule grew more aggressive, management sought to remedy tighter turnarounds by adding more people to the department — a “solution” that did little to help the problem. As one former Telltale developer put it: nine women can’t make a baby in one month. “Focus on quality really started to shift to ‘let’s just get as many episodes out as we can,’” the source says.

    Time management was a major issue. Release dates would often slip after games underwent multiple, extensive reviews that came with a great deal of feedback, but failed to budget enough time to make the changes. “The pace at which the studio operated was both an amazing feat and its biggest problem,” says a former employee. “Executives would often ask teams to rewrite, redesign, recast, and reanimate up until the very last minute without properly adjusting the schedule. The demands on production only became more intense with each successful release, and at some point, you just don’t have anything left to give.”

    “Crunch culture” is well-documented and endemic in the game industry, and Telltale was no exception. Some former employees reported working 14- to 18-hour days or coming in every day of the week for weeks on end. But where most developers go into “crunch mode” in the final months of a game leading up to its launch, they described it as constant. Because of the episodic nature of Telltale’s games, the studio’s development cycle was a constantly turning wheel. As soon as one episode wrapped, it was on to the next one, over and over with no end in sight. “Everything [was] always on fire,” one source with direct knowledge of the company says. “You never [got] a break.” This sentiment was echoed over and over to The Verge by four different people across several parts of Telltale.


    There were obvious signs it was all going down to be honest. I know many people can't just leave like that but the moment I sense any kind of pressure to crunch, work overtime without any sight of breeze, actual respect or gratitude for my time, I'd always try to prepare an exit.

    I've already worked in 2 studios where I had to go through that shit (80-90 hours a week once)  when most of it could have been solved if only management actually CARED about doing things better  (for people not for the green)....They usually prefer to go their own way not listening to people, end up biting more than they can chew and blames it on the artists. Fuck these guys.

    I've talked with other various artists that worked there and both said studios have now an horrid reputation and nobody (talented enough) wants to work there anymore.

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Blond said:
    I've already worked in 2 studios where I had to go through that shit 


    You live and learn. People who know try to tell others. Hopefully they'll listen. 

    This sort of work is something people do only because they love it, but please always take close account of your own worth. Don't let anybody push you around. 
  • RN
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    RN sublime tool
    Out of all possible endings to the Walking Dead game series, this is prob the most anticlimactic :(
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Bigtime's points were spot on, I guess this is why a lot of people choose to freelance too. I'm guilty of working unpaid overtime, reasons being wanting to make the project I'm on better and mainly down to a love of it....but a break is needed. You can't go 100% 24/7, it's just not sustainable and you'll burnout, not to mention get resentful or jaded. :/
  • Amsterdam Hilton Hotel
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    Amsterdam Hilton Hotel insane polycounter
    Blond said:
    Shit like that reminds me to NEVER be entitled to my job I guess...
    Nothing is safe in this industry
    We're never completely in control of our jobs. Even the self-employed aren't entitled to have clients. You have to cultivate options and resources so external events can't break you easily. Your boss can always fire you, blacklist you even - a truly evil and illegal aspect of this industry - but he can't remove your portfolio, network, skills... 

    Cut your expenses. Save your money. Invest in real estate. Prepare for disasters.
    Exactly. Maybe lift too
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Just pointing out this Union for the games industry.


    Also is it not against the law to not pay severance pay in the US? In the UK it's one month's pay for every year an employee worked for the company.

    I think the bosses will find they broke federal law as it looks planed out to me.

    Time for this crap to end.
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    They are supposed to give a 60 day notice, and because they openly violated these labor laws they will most likely settle out of court or lose their class action lawsuit against them on behalf of those let go.  If they do lose, there is a good chance that the employees will be entitled to 60 days pay + damages in relation to the obvious fact that Telltale shut down on the eve of their healthcare renew which they are severing before the employees had ample time to get coverage.  Lots of issues with how Telltale handled a situation that was no secret to upper management as well as the parent company who owns Telltale.  Some are saying "there is no money left for the employees to win" but fail to realize that another larger publisher has a 51% stake in the company and was most likely working with upper management in the closing of the studio.  This information is what I have gathered from trusted publications and friends.  

    I wish those who were affected luck, this is a pretty shit way to close down such a populated workplace.  Even if they "had no choice", this wasn't just an overnight situation and could have had a mitigation plan put forward some time in advance.  
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    TellTale is getting sued.  ;)


    A former Telltale employee is suing the company in a class-action lawsuit, alleging that it violated labor laws on the books in California and nationwide when it laid off hundreds of employees on Friday in advance of a planned closure of the studio.

    The complaint, filed Monday in federal court in San Francisco, is a class-action lawsuit submitted by Vernie Roberts on behalf of himself and his fellow laid-off workers. In the complaint, Roberts says Telltale — which is based in the San Francisco suburb of San Rafael, California — let go of the employees “without cause” and without providing them with “advance written notice as required by the WARN Act.”

  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    JordanN said:
    Welp...kinda sucks for them though and everyone involved too...

    Imagine your company being bankrupt and then being sued on top of that...oh well, serves them right for taking the wrong decisions...
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage

    Telltale's Labor Disaster Proves Game Developers Need to Organize


    Good article that explains what has gone on behind the scenes, its good to see good journalism researching various avenues before putting pen to paper. 

    "As Game Workers Unite said in a statement last weekend, the Telltale workers aren’t at fault for getting laid off. And it’s not the fault of the general gaming public for not knowing about the deeper labor issues at play here. Both were being exploited by branding efforts, managerial malfeasance, and labor abuse—issues that are not unique to Telltale, and also not insurmountable. But in order to fight against these events, we can’t do it alone." - paste magazine, 27/09/18
  • JacqueChoi
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    @JacqueChoi That's all kinds of nop.
  • Mark Dygert
    That was my first job in the industry too. I got an offer, accepted, put in my 2 weeks and in that time the publisher/owner shut down the studio. They had thought it was just going to be some layoffs in another division that was struggling, but it turned out to be the entire studio and 90% of a sister studio that was in the same building was let go.

    I was lucky enough to be in part of the company that wasn't affected and was in fact ramping up but it was so surreal touring a studio of 300 people and then starting work in a post apocalyptic wasteland. When they let everyone go they locked the doors and told employees they could schedule times to come get their personal effects, many did not so the offices looked like it was the weekend, for months. 

    That was back in 2001, its sad that not much has changed.
  • X-One
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    X-One polycounter lvl 18
    I also had a very similar story. I was working at a studio as an intern for a few months, was hired just before Christmas and the first day of actual employment starting after the break. On the first day of my employment, I was informed that the project we were working on got cancelled, and I was sent packing with a pile of other people. 

    We were given a couple minutes to pack up under supervision, our machines were fully locked, and then promptly escorted out. Really made me doubt the gaming industry. I literally got out of it, and ended up doing Arch Viz, Ad work, and other non-gaming work for years. 

    I got into this work because I both love working on game art and love games in general, but sometimes I honestly think that I should have just become a carpenter.
  • RyanB
    X-One said:
    I got into this work because I both love working on game art and love games in general, but sometimes I honestly think that I should have just become a carpenter.
    Construction is project-based work.  You might work for two weeks on a job, move on to another one for three months, sit around for two weeks, get another job for a month, etc.  You don't get severance or anything else when a job ends.  If you are drinking buddies with the right people you might get into a company that has steady work in tenant improvement or maintenance but the majority of work is project to project.
  • X-One
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    X-One polycounter lvl 18
    RyanB said:
    Construction is project-based work.  You might work for two weeks on a job, move on to another one for three months, sit around for two weeks, get another job for a month, etc.  You don't get severance or anything else when a job ends.  If you are drinking buddies with the right people you might get into a company that has steady work in tenant improvement or maintenance but the majority of work is project to project.

     You're not wrong. In my specific case, it would be like getting into the family business. I could have said electrician, or plumber too. I do understand your point though, and understand that in all non-unionized employment, there is a high level of uncertainty.
  • Meloncov
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    Meloncov greentooth
    RyanB said:
    Construction is project-based work.  You might work for two weeks on a job, move on to another one for three months, sit around for two weeks, get another job for a month, etc.  You don't get severance or anything else when a job ends.  If you are drinking buddies with the right people you might get into a company that has steady work in tenant improvement or maintenance but the majority of work is project to project.

    While that's true, in construction, ninety-nine percent of the time you don't have to move across the country every time a project ends. 
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    This video doesn't excuse or explain what Telltale studios seems to have done, but at around 30 min in the speaker talks about business theories of the game industry that is obliquely relevant and interesting anyway.

  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    Early in my career I interviewed at one of my dream studios (GreyMatter Studios makers of Kingpin). I was so ready to move to Santa Monica from Texas. You could literally see the beach from the office, and go surfing durring lunch.

    After the interview an employee asked if I wanted to see the town that night. I met up with him later for dinner and he gave me an honest assessment of the studio. He said he would be surprised if the studio existed in 3 months.

    I ended up not accepting the offer, and sure enough in 3 months they closed their doors. I'm so grateful he had the courage to speak up. Especially because I love how my career and life has turned out since then.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    monster said:
     I met up with him later for dinner and he gave me an honest assessment of the studio. He said he would be surprised if the studio existed in 3 months.
    Now that's awesome. Obviously it sucks you didn't get to work so close to the water, but it's awesome he took that into his own hands, and told you the truth for your own good. This is a great taste of the solidarity we need more of in the industry.

    Would the company have been mad at him for telling you that? Probably. But who cares? He helped you greatly. We need more of that attitude.
  • fdfxd2
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    fdfxd2 interpolator
    Hey look Jim Sterling made a video about Game Dev rights!


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