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Vegeta 3D fanart, I feel like I'm doing this wrong (Hard Surfaced Zbrush SOS)

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This is the current state of my Vegeta model (Dragonball) and I was having trouble with the armor, It's very simple but I can't seem to think of a way to do all the trim on his armor. I believe my process is wrong and inefficient. So if anyone has any tips on how I could go about doing this that was be really cool!
This is what I've been screwing around with so far, below is an image of the armor trim I'm trying for.



  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Hi! are you determined to do the hardsurface stuff in zbrush? I tend to export my base anatomy model to maya and then build the hardsurface elements in maya over the anatomy, seems more precise to me but I know some people are amazing with zmodeler.
  • Stefmon
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    Stefmon polycounter lvl 8
    (I apologise the images are bloody massive..)
    Yo. You could totally do it in both maya and ZBrush, they just have slightly different processes. I tend to concept block out the hard surface details, then do a quick retopo with zspheres or topogun > then use Zmodeller with creasing and dynamic subdivisions to get thickness and smooth surfaces. Vegeta's breastplate has a lot of smooth forms and large shapes so you could even re-topologise a base chestplate to have loops where the trims are and then extrude/crease them. Below are some hard surface processes.
    Sculpt > Retopo > Polygroup > Extract/Crease > Dynamic Subdivision
    The second part with the ZSpheres might be another way to do the trim. The process is in this AskZbrush vid.

    You can also mask by polygroups after you made them and use the Inflate which is under Deformation. If you do it on a layer you could tweak it too.
  • BlakeMacDonald
    Thanks guys, I was totally over thinking the whole process, I was originally going to try doing it that way but wasn't sure if that was the direction I should have taken. I'll try this later today and show the progress!
  • BlakeMacDonald
    I'm just sitting down to get started for the night and I was just looking up some reference and you guys were definitely right, this reference looks like they just retopologized the trim into it armor itself rather then doing the whole thing in zbrush and making it look extreme. I'm glad I can confirm this.
    I'm going to keep this thread open for later when I'm finished the armor for critiques thanks!
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