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Lost in the forest : a modular and foliage based project

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wunjox triangle
Hey guys!

Here is the project I presented for my 5th-year game art graduation exam, my goal here was to create an environment from A to Z because I want to work as an Environment or a Lighting Artist in the video game industry.

For this project, I mainly focused on modular assets and I wanted to improve my foliage creation skills. I also managed to create a fake volumetric light shader to give the atmosphere I had in mind.

I also had for objective to create a day and night lighting.

The fake light shaft shader is not very complicated :

2 textures are panning, I packed them on the R and B channels for optimization purpose. 
Then I added a pixel depth to it, so the closer you are from the shaft, the less you can see it.

The depth fade node is here to avoid this kind of result: you can clearly see where the shaft mesh and the ground are touching each other.

Finally, I used the fresnel node to reduce the opacity on the edge of the mesh, without it you'd have this kind of render, and you can clearly see it's fake: 

You'll find more shots here : 


Feel free to give feedback and ask any questions!

Thanks a lot!


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