So umm... this took way too long for me to gain the courage to do something like this. As of this Monday, I have started a video game artist development vlog that I am calling "Daily Dev Update". The idea is to do a 1-2 minute video every day going over a selection from a handful of things. - What I worked on that day
- Overall tips and tutorials for the various gaming software
- Chill art days ( maybe even just a day where I finally put together legos I got for christmas 2 years ago )
- And just about anything else I can think of that might be interesting to post a video about
the goal of this is to better myself at my work and be able to share what I am doing for those who might be interested in growing as an artist as well.
Or just have something to relax and watch for 2min a day.
I am really interested in feedback from anyone who might be interested. If you think I should try something different, include other things per video.. or possibly cut things that you find annoying, I'd be very appreciative of the feedback. I love the polycount community because you can be super blunt and super nice at the same time.
Here is the playlist and as always, your feedback is super appreciated!
1) Cut back your production schedule to 3 days a week. So you can evenly space the script writing, filming and editing process.
2) Hire a PR / Marketing freelancer to promote your videos (Try Fiveer or Upwork)
3) Create a thumbnail for your YouTube Videos!!! Learn some basic graphic design. Slap on a border & a title text. (Protip: Use BigNoodleTitling font).
Keep up the video production man.
@TravisMcCallum Thanks for the in-depth feedback. You are right. I want to give the daily thing a try to how long I can go with it to boost fill my page with content. I've got plenty of things to fill it with for the time being and I've managed to be consistent for 6 days now. BUT, there will be a point of burn out for it and I'll try to catch it and do exactly what you suggested and move to the 3 day schedule. That simply is an update video and then from there the schedule is changed. Consistency seems to be the biggest factor so as long as I maintain the new schedule after the schedule update, then all should be well on that front.
now.. for promotion. THIS IS THE PART I FAIL AT for just about everything I've tried ( And that's been a long and windy road for different project ideas etc ). But I DID notice that consistency started building something for other projects and am hoping over time that will resonate into something. I am unsure. If you have more in-depth feedback as to where to look... PR firms you recommend.. what exactly they would do and handle. Where to even research this stuff without finding the most slimy people on the planet (when the "whale" term starts flying I have to resist the urge to vomit. ) I'd be super appreciative of that!
lastly Thumbnails.. yep ill do those better.