Hello everyone, I graduated a few months ago from a 3D art college program and of course I'd like to get to a point where I can get a job or internship in the industry. I have a preference for games but I'd be just as happy working in TV - I'm not really in a position to be picky

I know my portfolio is generally not at a level where I can get hired right now. I have continued to model as well as draw since I left school, but I do miss the structure a bit and I'm somewhat lost on how to continue. I don't have many places to ask for feedback or get a fresh eye to look at my work, and I'm having trouble telling what my absolute weakest point is, or generally the first place I should start focusing on bringing my skills up.
My portfolio is at www.jenniferfaircloth.com/portfolio.
Hopefully this didn't get too long. Thank you for reading!
Right now nothing on your portfolio can be seen as production ready, unless it is for mobile. As it is you show with your portfolio that you know how to texture, model and in general make 3D art. Now you just need to make a more complex either environment or prop to show that you can make it to a professional standard.
Once you have that up id say you should work on your presentations. Both in the images themselves but also in how your website looks. The easiest way is just to get an artstation and use that. Also remove some of the fluff from your About me, the fluff about what you play or watch is irrelevant to a recruiter. At least in the second paragraph. Btw my website have not been updated in more than a year, so do not look at that for inspiration, there are way better ones on the web.
To me you are on a good way already, so keep it coming, just pump out more art that you have spent more time on.
Being even more specific and just focusing on props/environment sounds like it could help, I realized I was getting a little overwhelmed trying to improve on too many things at once. I was originally looking at applying to a few studios focused on mobile games, so my portfolio ended up going a bit in that direction, but now I see I haven't demonstrated the ability to work on complex models at all.
Between Nuclear Angel and you both pointing out the website having some issues... Artstation sounds like a good option. Originally I didn't realize I could link my domain to it, losing that was my main reason for not using it more.
Thank you both for your help!