I've tasked myself with trying to recreate one of Ruxing Gao's brilliant environment concepts, 'Rosy Land and the Golden City'
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/A84nW It's my first time recreating something from concept so any tips and critiques I'd greatly appreciate. As of now I've completed the blockout and rough lighting in UE4, almost completed all the textures in Substance Designer, and planned to some degree how I'm going to tackle layering the textures on top of each other, but that's still something I'm in the midst of.

Heading into this I spent a lot of time mapping out the environments features and shapes, trying to iron out anything ambiguous to at least make the blockout easier. I wanted to segment things up and have some degree of modularity with the nature of the architecture, but to stay true to the concept I needed to do a fair few unique models for some of the arches etc. I've been trying to think about texture sizes and keeping it relatively optimized too, can anyone help in that regard? If you were doing this project how would you approach it?

This is the blockout in UE4.

Vertex blended rock textures with a decal of the gold foil on top, I've been wondering how to produce the 'flaking' aspect of the gold off the walls, simply vertex blending doesn't give a nice result and to multiply over the normals of the rock underneath decals seem to be working quite nicely, although I'm not too familiar with them in UE4, are they expensive? And will overlaying a great deal of them over each other cause issues? The only other option I've yet to test is to model the gold leaf sheet and put an opacity mask over it to create that effect. Any ideas guys? This is the main thing I'm struggling with at the moment. It's a similar situation to the paint too.

At any rate I'm really hoping this turns out well and while frustrating the challenge is great! Let me know what you guys think.