Major Project - Bachelor Project
Workflow optimization: ZBrush to 3D Print
For my Bachlor Project i planned to do:
- an Anatomy Study for my 3D Modell
- 3D Printable Modell/Character
- Workflow analysis
I want to document my own progression and i am also grateful for any input and critism!
Hopefully i can also give some Tips and Tricks on my way.
Week 1
Skull - Blocking out and rough sketch
For an easy start, use the included Grid.zpr Project in the Zbrush Lightbox folder.
Make sure that you toggle off the perspective view, so you can trace the skull from the Reference picture. For more on-screen References i use "PureRef" which is a free program that stays on top of other applications.
To edit your References and and the opacity of your mesh go to:
to change references
- Draw
-Enhance Opacity

After i got the basic proportions of the skull, i removed the Reference in Zbrush. I seperated the Skull into 4 different meshes. I blocked out the basic shapes and sketched the major parts of the skull. Mostly i used the
-Move/Move Topological Brush for shaping
-inflate, to thicken
-Clay, to build up mass layer by layer
First i sketched the important landmarks of the skulls: Orbital Cavaties, Glabellla, Zygonic bone and Nasal Bone. With the help of the Book:
The Artist's Guide to the Anatomy of the Human Head - 3dtotalpublishing
also i merged the parts into only 2 separate mashes, which is better for detailing
Week 2
Face- Muscles, Blocking out the rough patches of the muscles and aligning them to the Bone Structure. Mostly I inserted a sperate Tool ( Sphere, Zylinder..) for each Muscle and deformed them with the Move brush or the transpose/transform Gizmo.In a separate Scene, I carved the eye cavity out so that I can build around it.
The common mistake in modeling eyes is, that many people underestimate the thickness of the Skin/Eyelids.
Move-Topology, ClayBuildUp, Clay, Inflate, h-polish
Week 3
I used the Move/Topological Move Brushes to roughly shape the Bonestructure to the liking of Christian Bale. Before I shaped everything, I merged every Tool together, it is important to retain the separate Polygroups, so that you can use the Topological Move Brush more effectively.For the Skin itself, I masked Bones and Muscel and extracted the whole Face. I only had to keep the Eyes out.
I modelled the Ears as a separate Tool so that I have more control over the Mesh. Also, I could use this Tool for other Projects in the Future
I simply attached the Ears to the sides of the Skull and Merged them.
The Skin still needed to be moved into Shape. For a quick preview, I changed the Material and masked the Hairline. To get the Skin into the shape I used the Move and Clay Buildup Tool.
Week 5
Move, Pinch and Clay withPhil Amelung
After I tried to get the right proportions and facial characteristics, I was not satisfied. So that is why i asked a professional Artist/Tutor Phil Amelung ( In a short time he pointed out some flaws and missing Volume on my Head. First, he noticed that my Eyeballs did not match the size of the Face.The rule is that there should be enough space for a 3rd Eyeball in between the eyes.
Started to Sculpt the Body
Week 7
The Foot was one of the hardest parts of the Body. The Foot is has a complex Shape and is almost impossible to model right without proper Reference.
For a quick posing, I used a ZSphere Rig ( Zplugin - Transpose Master - Lowest SubDiv - TPoseMesh - ZSphere Rig).
Obviously, I had to fix the Mesh after Moving the Limbs
Week X
After several Weeks I revisited the Human Head and refined it.