So I have been using Unreal for a while now, and I feel like I'm for the most part pretty comfortable, but one thing that has always bothered the hell out of me is the snapping pivot to vertex function using MMB and V. I just can't seem to find any simple/easy way of doing this. Every time I try to snap the pivot point to a vertex on a model, there's about a 75% chance the pivot point is going to freak out and snap to a vertex on some other model halfway across my scene, somewhere not even visible on the screen at all, or somewhere in a completely different galaxy far, far away. It doesn't matter if I try from different camera angles, if I place the pivot right on top or as close to the vertex I want to snap to, if I pray to the holy vertex gods, it never seems to work.
I think my head may explode soon if I don't figure out what I'm doing wrong, or discover an easier approach, and that would be a horrible and unfortunate mess for my girlfriend and dog to clean up. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions for me? I have already gone over the possibility that I may just be an idiot.